the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is only
available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such labeling becomes
probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC breaks and other
situations which would need more testing and care. So the amount of work to
evaluate and review PRs will grow while the "work team" probably not.
To improve this, here's an idea originally coming from Ferenc. And it is
simple - the labeling feature could be integrated with our systems using the
github API. That would allow to achieve more granularity on who is allowed
to label. AFAIR there was already some people willing to do labeling, so
that were a great possibility to build such a team. Such pre evaluating and
labeling could possibly prevent some awkward situations, help to sort out
potential issues and BC breaches.
Thus asking for opinions. As it stands completely open - does this idea
sound eligible, how can it be integrated, who is yet up for the pre
evaluation/labeling job? Or any other propositions.
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is only
available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such labeling becomes
probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC breaks and other
situations which would need more testing and care. So the amount of work to
evaluate and review PRs will grow while the "work team" probably not.
I don't have time to work on qa.php.net/pulls and add such feature, so
I gave Xinchen and Nikita admin rights for the organization as a
workaround. Stas was already an admin.
We did mention that if labelling is supposed to be integral part of
the workflow this must be available for the normal karma holder and
therefore needs to be integrated somehow.
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:27 PM, Hannes Magnusson
hannes.magnusson@gmail.com wrote:
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is only
available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such labeling becomes
probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC breaks and other
situations which would need more testing and care. So the amount of work to
evaluate and review PRs will grow while the "work team" probably not.I don't have time to work on qa.php.net/pulls and add such feature, so
I gave Xinchen and Nikita admin rights for the organization as a
workaround. Stas was already an admin.We did mention that if labelling is supposed to be integral part of
the workflow this must be available for the normal karma holder and
therefore needs to be integrated somehow.
Github expose such apis already
so I think it's not very difficult to add such features to qa.php.net/pulls now.
any volunteer ? if no, I can work on it this weekend... hope I didn't
forget my experience on jquery :)
Xinchen Hui
-----Original Message-----
From: Xinchen Hui [mailto:laruence@php.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:25 PM
To: Hannes Magnusson
Cc: Anatol Belski; Internals
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Pull request labels handlingOn Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:27 PM, Hannes Magnusson
hannes.magnusson@gmail.com wrote:On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 6:29 AM, Anatol Belski anatol.php@belski.net
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
n-repos itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling
is only available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such
labeling becomes probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC
breaks and other situations which would need more testing and care.
So the amount of work to evaluate and review PRs will grow while the
"work team" probably not.I don't have time to work on qa.php.net/pulls and add such feature, so
I gave Xinchen and Nikita admin rights for the organization as a
workaround. Stas was already an admin.We did mention that if labelling is supposed to be integral part of
the workflow this must be available for the normal karma holder and
therefore needs to be integrated somehow.
Github expose such apis already
https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#edit-an-issueso I think it's not very difficult to add such features to qa.php.net/pulls now.
any volunteer ? if no, I can work on it this weekend... hope I didn't forget
my experience on jquery :)
I can take this, maybe to qa.php.net/pulls first were easier. Then bugs.php.net if it's found useful useful. Will need to refresh the jquery status as well :)
so I think it's not very difficult to add such features to qa.php.net/pulls now.
any volunteer ? if no, I can work on it this weekend... hope I didn't forget
my experience on jquery :)I can take this, maybe to qa.php.net/pulls first were easier. Then bugs.php.net if it's found useful useful. Will need to refresh the jquery status as well :)
if anybody is working on this and needs help feel free to drop me a
note. (mail should always work, could also join IRC) The code isn't
really nice as I did know neither jQuery, nor JavaScript nor had an idea
what I was aiming for :-D
There is also an (unfinished) branch using AngularJS which might be
nicer for that kind of tool but needs more work.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hannes Magnusson [mailto:hannes.magnusson@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 4:27 PM
To: Anatol Belski
Cc: Internals
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Pull request labels handlingOn Wed, May 27, 2015 at 6:29 AM, Anatol Belski anatol.php@belski.net
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
-repos itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is
only available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such
labeling becomes probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC
breaks and other situations which would need more testing and care. So
the amount of work to evaluate and review PRs will grow while the
"work team" probably not.I don't have time to work on qa.php.net/pulls and add such feature, so I
gave Xinchen and Nikita admin rights for the organization as a workaround.
Stas was already an admin.We did mention that if labelling is supposed to be integral part of the
workflow this must be available for the normal karma holder and therefore
needs to be integrated somehow.
So seems the idea is even older :) The question only whether people find it useful and the feature is going to bring something. That's what we hope it would.
Anatol Belski wrote:
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is only
available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such labeling becomes
probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC breaks and other
situations which would need more testing and care. So the amount of work to
evaluate and review PRs will grow while the "work team" probably not.To improve this, here's an idea originally coming from Ferenc. And it is
simple - the labeling feature could be integrated with our systems using the
github API. That would allow to achieve more granularity on who is allowed
to label. AFAIR there was already some people willing to do labeling, so
that were a great possibility to build such a team. Such pre evaluating and
labeling could possibly prevent some awkward situations, help to sort out
potential issues and BC breaches.Thus asking for opinions. As it stands completely open - does this idea
sound eligible, how can it be integrated, who is yet up for the pre
evaluation/labeling job? Or any other propositions.
In my humble opinion it would be great if it's feasible. There is also
the related "GitHub Pull Requests Triage Team" RFC[1] – maybe it's worth
to revive it, but it appears to me all this can be done without an
(approved) RFC.
[1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/github-pr
Christoph M. Becker