Any thoughts about supporting a longer seed array for mt_srand? Does
anyone really need it? Should it be in mt_srand or mt_srand_array?
See: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32145
Lauri Kenttä
Any thoughts about supporting a longer seed array for mt_srand? Does
anyone really need it? Should it be in mt_srand or mt_srand_array?
The second question is controversial.
People have asserted that nobody does statistical work in PHP, or that
if they do it's not a "legitimate" use of PHP. There were demands for
evidence that anyone has ever legitimately needed to seed an RNG in PHP.
I disagree. #32145 in itself is sufficient for me.
For statistical work 2^32 starting positions is not enough. MT's period
is Vast, like Dennett's Vast with a capital V. Nobody needs that much
but if MT is what we've got then it seems reasonable to allow access to
more of it.
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?
mt19937ar.c contains init_by_array.
Compability with that would probably be a good goal,
unless someone can point out another widely used implementation.
Lauri Kenttä
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?mt19937ar.c contains init_by_array.
Compability with that would probably be a good goal,
unless someone can point out another widely used implementation.
Would mt_srand([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) set the same seed on 32 and 64 bit
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?mt19937ar.c contains init_by_array.
Compability with that would probably be a good goal,
unless someone can point out another widely used implementation.Would mt_srand([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) set the same seed on 32 and 64 bit
Of course it would.
Or let's phrase it this way: can you think of any reason why it
Lauri Kenttä
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?mt19937ar.c contains init_by_array.
Compability with that would probably be a good goal,
unless someone can point out another widely used implementation.Would mt_srand([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) set the same seed on 32 and 64 bit
machines?Of course it would.
Or let's phrase it this way: can you think of any reason why it
An array of N PHP (signed) integers in a 64bit PHP runtime can provide 2N
unsigned long seed values to MT. If mt_srand()
did that then I don't see
how portability is maintained.
Otoh, if, for the sake of portability, which I imagine most would prefer,
discards bits from 64bit input integers then mt_rand()
produce the same sequence for many different mt_srand()
seeds. This would
be new and at odds with conventions of how seeds affect PRNG outputs.
Hence I asked on Friday about discarding bits from the array on 64bit PHP.
You pointed me to mt19937ar.c, in which I did not find the answer. My
skill in C is inadequate.
It is still not clear to me how the improved mt_srand()
would work.
will work. But what would be in the array? Integers from
which the upper 32 bits, if they exist, are discarded?mt19937ar.c contains init_by_array.
Compability with that would probably be a good goal,
unless someone can point out another widely used implementation.Would mt_srand([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) set the same seed on 32 and 64 bit
machines?Of course it would.
Or let's phrase it this way: can you think of any reason why it
shouldn't?An array of N PHP (signed) integers in a 64bit PHP runtime can provide
unsigned long seed values to MT. Ifmt_srand()
did that then I don't
how portability is maintained.
It would take some extra effort to use the 2N values.
It would really gain nothing, and it would cause confusion.
Otoh, if, for the sake of portability, which I imagine most would
discards bits from 64bit input integers thenmt_rand()
produce the same sequence for many differentmt_srand()
seeds. This
be new and at odds with conventions of how seeds affect PRNG outputs.
If we allow an arbitrary seed length, there will always be multiple
seeds which produce the same output, since any PRNG will have only a
limited amount of internal state (in this case, 624 * 32 bits).
Note that mt_srand already discards the upper bits of the seed:
function f($seed, $n = 1000) {
$t = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) $t[] = mt_rand()
return $t;
var_dump( (1) == (1 + (1 << 32))); // false on 64-bit machines
var_dump(f(1) == f(1 + (1 << 32))); // true, since (1 << 32) is
Now that I think about it, a method to save and restore the raw MT state
would also be kind of nice. Although if this kind of things are
seriously used, creating a MT19937 class would probably be cleaner than
messing with the global PRNG.
It would be nice to hear about some real use cases for bigger seeds
and/or setting the raw state.
Lauri Kenttä
ext/standard/basic_functions.c | 5 +
ext/standard/mt_rand.c | 67 ++-
ext/standard/php_math.h | 1 +
ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_basic.phpt | 146 ++++++
ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_values.phpt | 532 +++++++++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_basic.phpt
create mode 100644 ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_values.phpt
diff --git a/ext/standard/basic_functions.c b/ext/standard/basic_functions.c
index ef628cc..bcceb20 100644
--- a/ext/standard/basic_functions.c
+++ b/ext/standard/basic_functions.c
@@ -1891,6 +1891,10 @@ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_mt_srand, 0, 0, 0)
ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, mode)
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_mt_srand_array, 0)
- ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, seed)
ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_mt_rand, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -2856,6 +2860,7 @@ const zend_function_entry basic_functions[] = { /* {{{ */
PHP_FALIAS(getrandmax, mt_getrandmax, arginfo_mt_getrandmax)
PHP_FE(mt_rand, arginfo_mt_rand)
PHP_FE(mt_srand, arginfo_mt_srand)
PHP_FE(mt_srand_array, arginfo_mt_srand_array)
PHP_FE(mt_getrandmax, arginfo_mt_getrandmax)PHP_FE(random_bytes, arginfo_random_bytes)
diff --git a/ext/standard/mt_rand.c b/ext/standard/mt_rand.c
index dde9a77..04e83dd 100644
--- a/ext/standard/mt_rand.c
+++ b/ext/standard/mt_rand.c
@@ -151,7 +151,10 @@ PHPAPI void php_mt_srand(uint32_t seed)
/* Seed the generator with a simple uint32 */
php_mt_initialize(seed, BG(state));
- php_mt_reload();
/* Reload the generator when mt_rand is next called.
- (Reloading immediately would break php_mt_srand_array.) */
BG(left) = 0;
/* Seed only once /
BG(mt_rand_is_seeded) = 1;
@@ -209,6 +212,68 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(mt_srand)
/ }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void mt_srand_array(array seed)
- Seeds Mersenne Twister random number generator with multiple integers */
+{ - zval* arr = 0;
- zval* tmp;
- uint32_t length = 0, seed_j;
- int i, j, k, first_loop = 1;
- uint32_t* mt = BG(state);
- if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "a", &arr) == FAILURE)
- length = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(arr));
- if (length == 0) {
php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Argument must be an array with at least 1 element");
- }
if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) != IS_LONG) {
php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Argument must be an array with only integer elements");
if (Z_LVAL_P(tmp) > 0xffffffffU) {
php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Seed values will be truncated at 32 bits");
- php_mt_srand(19650218U);
- i = 1;
- k = 0;
- while (k < N) {
j = 0;
seed_j = Z_LVAL_P(tmp);
mt[i] = ((mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 30)) * 1664525U)) + seed_j + j) & 0xffffffffU;
i++; j++; k++;
if (i == N) {
mt[0] = mt[N-1];
i = 1;
if (!first_loop && k == N) {
first_loop = 0;
- }
- for (k = 1; k < N; ++k) {
mt[i] = ((mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 30)) * 1566083941U)) - i) & 0xffffffffU;
if (i == N) {
mt[0] = mt[N-1];
i = 1;
- }
- mt[0] = 0x80000000UL;
+/* }}} */
/* {{{ php_mt_rand_range
PHPAPI zend_long php_mt_rand_range(zend_long min, zend_long max)
diff --git a/ext/standard/php_math.h b/ext/standard/php_math.h
index 3ff0f04..0eaf34c 100644
--- a/ext/standard/php_math.h
+++ b/ext/standard/php_math.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(pow);
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_basic.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_basic.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9632ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_basic.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Test mt_srand_array() - basic function mt_srand_array()
+// Should produce the same mt_rand output with the same seed.
+$a = [mt_rand(), mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
+$b = [mt_rand(), mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
+var_dump($a == $b);
+// Should produce different mt_rand output with a different seed.
+$c = [mt_rand(), mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
, mt_rand()
+var_dump($a == $c);
+// Should return NULL
if the argument is an array of integers.
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, 2]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, 2, 3]));
+// Should give warnings if the argument is not an array of integers.
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, NULL]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, true]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, false]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, 1.2]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1, 'x']));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([NULL, 1]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([true, 1]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([false, 1]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1.2, 1]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array(['x', 1]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([NULL, NULL]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([true, true]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([false, false]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array([1.2, 1.2]));
+var_dump(mt_srand_array(['x', 'x']));
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, float given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with at least 1 element in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
+Warning: mt_srand_array(): Argument must be an array with only integer elements in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_values.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_values.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..267087b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/math/mt_srand_array_values.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+Test mt_srand_array() - check compability with init_by_array in mt19937ar.c
+// This seed data has been generated with mt_rand.
+// The result of this test has been verified with the
+// init_by_array() function as implemented in mt19937ar.c,
+// www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/MT2002/CODES/mt19937ar.c
+// Retrieved on 2016-08-14.
+$init = [
+533797649, 477972911, 238644764, 2053609391, 2114488238, 1672166357,
+1677789847, 113814253, 405100136, 1295645083, 1280130337, 1621368104,
+323373334, 739758941, 2122736136, 571686319, 1931835247, 1610510985,
+886805278, 569348619, 710948850, 634958263, 1429967020, 882231681,
+1937446023, 1982659960, 36274821, 1191994465, 1300109346, 1618746190,
+1396450738, 362665554, 302920921, 135629471, 357568549, 1648999768,
+661482772, 2114789554, 697545551, 1867848860, 1050863912, 1865143872,
+1475217165, 830960919, 1447789791, 1185255739, 502046053, 1123548340,
+1055621189, 1618672631, 2041212379, 109892516, 1227019944, 1854791485,
+417803109, 1205974941, 1367602515, 378210590, 1087604852, 936932976,
+1381267118, 2080903927, 1675549670, 90564939, 1634945948, 388014899,
+1109080989, 1500872898, 933412936, 1066813864, 17431367, 595967286,
+1551155677, 1458258881, 506201381, 1092415658, 2128699724, 1449748569,
+1909047531, 1515378367, 641080814, 210001821, 1163210738, 1370727858,
+639010335, 1872089810, 135888508, 1313165009, 1280281995, 1527988850,
+2116763783, 614198830, 1797789661, 538957503, 1197965949, 925963643,
+1506841753, 999985965, 1503444481, 524890767, 744379479, 1745888115,
+52209032, 1224133648, 1537807057, 1936166300, 445956095, 1968273879,
+1134590481, 1316727542, 523818403, 1302306188, 1354652864, 976108357,
+103796790, 1424949017, 335385878, 1105235554, 233855582, 131523436,
+1784833957, 521145555, 1931758539, 732135002, 1379160676, 1895399908,
+1150639362, 1553140715, 3987400, 1396230818, 277995666, 310883379,
+661226546, 426814614, 343481125, 727560266, 478876580, 901016650,
+510767095, 1743023655, 951064457, 1850569028, 2088212331, 897804349,
+280429432, 1868876377, 1570585499, 776776692, 1683903637, 355773179,
+1237562751, 131484929, 125708162, 1490038497, 903282947, 484763921,
+1764663586, 1368171520, 1493598367, 824508183, 1103087905, 1524087400,
+1831251776, 1569425806, 1330071902, 831508806, 908341615, 205958001,
+1943730657, 1173522039, 507655877, 601796216, 1085473883, 1284710358,
+406936046, 552693839, 715571237, 110285275, 2121816357, 2089795927,
+1303734565, 1545306620, 141170901, 867120865, 695911088, 500627405,
+413963957, 943343585, 1967548673, 1315894357, 1952581633, 55277097,
+1223977823, 1858601487, 1652396537, 1869807239, 1529563734, 476959585,
+1295061857, 566255510, 1897796839, 1394015214, 491077539, 1736174778,
+429971276, 1340503695, 1149812026, 323721773, 116800211, 304084477,
+1844663726, 924889110, 804219111, 1984079178, 1346488888, 1425936286,
+123375196, 1791409314, 1664826154, 2018183455, 506485465, 475390404,
+1979884372, 1269275022, 95711359, 1329071187, 1638184505, 1463868742,
+617100013, 960407801, 1768037344, 767806250, 1092071035, 1638477527,
+214244044, 1189205992, 2029884775, 1956872370, 1366069623, 32184929,
+1877835037, 421419782, 1409947233, 1207359486, 505030335, 919857673,
+1205155568, 76387164, 1742504740, 2051050756, 1426362152, 439972012,
+892503831, 1374142231, 677384032, 1633892368, 1134563858, 1500620380,
+1589898381, 447861609, 432962471, 2145785468, 44677632, 735513485,
+2057090372, 1600969875, 1433738499, 1230433030, 1801937285, 1119440216,
+1654208084, 1036123305, 1377826919, 1886868624, 854533290, 2141365733,
+1373085085, 1416284165, 216719504, 1587889366, 13124183, 1275691400,
+91607173, 1946669758, 964084222, 668578809, 1714548277, 1637585450,
+891023658, 2132201878, 938297201, 2144829786, 1611917447, 864352756,
+2034122367, 1433920143, 573899348, 151439910, 865203873, 961912203,
+590298954, 784893319, 99398163, 280396586, 1053672810, 1352995158,
+1724386053, 1839187077, 379317857, 442262335, 243178258, 887432801,
+1940613113, 1317606803, 590560793, 754404910, 1589494120, 797096816,
+617577060, 163058622, 1152015712, 468527387, 1343707972, 1596194670,
+1001870219, 911883094, 1379771701, 5033855, 766626331, 2066247492,
+41189068, 210307945, 1733781581, 270781045, 1767974932, 1138659598,
+1665411426, 1607827087, 2056915989, 2102498495, 1081124166, 1627546761,
+1109544454, 1489139518, 127909289, 1429674314, 1548640155, 1284860561,
+930975560, 1453540039, 1359733583, 499159547, 1260967563, 1202062669,
+129728016, 1043430497, 919924248, 946773678, 1263998762, 744696562,
+1430427674, 38224117, 1132467017, 372457291, 1293395629, 692690250,
+33264961, 909551629, 949650166, 1049086914, 896915547, 138231579,
+180066472, 2089106029, 297507614, 88535919, 1400040145, 786778873,
+774499467, 189227111, 730267148, 558137141, 1556192531, 1854880898,
+413999674, 1790021423, 956950507, 307010644, 2139264011, 952588702,
+22703969, 1649091617, 592424405, 1822463165, 1961817729, 813523106,
+1838938379, 484886386, 580262376, 761220596, 226184966, 763751275,
+416245423, 501649838, 535690555, 1445627738, 486873654, 2043448554,
+923777271, 1947825799, 1113910169, 810625470, 1440672345, 1791782910,
+1755202249, 424681059, 431435735, 398929029, 1433887466, 1410641306,
+1636201573, 1998989952, 104589354, 902567826, 3391690, 1411680711,
+396290247, 2131874885, 388219790, 1899096911, 1426722047, 1364753737,
+535936670, 664505103, 644668225, 1663840379, 1005745889, 40078604,
+461214428, 579471610, 833615480, 1230511410, 1304422579, 193758057,
+1672675955, 747814555, 2049077078, 1578324806, 1762849299, 2067454018,
+223356632, 1068768699, 1808701756, 406983376, 578971973, 1867346482,
+840150829, 1590199236, 1754927355, 1114057306, 504051145, 243402561,
+431895923, 1594562645, 525154058, 1888670763, 2145863250, 422030732,
+673730895, 1413240790, 372732506, 1027902875, 2130104737, 1193346548,
+1490323370, 223614718, 1038891332, 616471406, 2011501366, 699505754,
+1570284924, 1289954611, 1897428735, 450379033, 1443599841, 860128998,
+1683747465, 1334460614, 477769514, 1909363216, 552852481, 1944603627,
+1138684653, 1373242252, 880923256, 1206958392, 1342563542, 2120128971,
+583363449, 2107607857, 1541046033, 1980230973, 831652021, 1043736620,
+2081294993, 1253655389, 789832753, 383617105, 485338008, 246103765,
+720839801, 657392545, 1631101285, 1708545871, 780994605, 1505703390,
+573304601, 1631160520, 687436085, 817344356, 640229444, 1115011991,
+209661902, 1631449900, 19891655, 820809520, 850184329, 1103973314,
+1285650469, 1212039883, 390145457, 1357597548, 1695478847, 81575737,
+1154767271, 930009212, 277877561, 140160052, 802415541, 1356511191,
+864493720, 1819977751, 311532744, 1914315473, 2137739525, 1758173691,
+1171975597, 1215338878, 317767496, 1934349874, 404221217, 1535322034,
+2141083001, 1046590691, 1011777816, 784331043, 1711186310, 2067261175,
+1508489771, 1629660117, 1444015364, 1592626938, 2129389821, 633652185,
+511258736, 407971522, 464510006, 1497625509, 1685641648, 1804014524,
+1009242557, 61061698, 1405334575, 705682809, 619195664, 593393238,
+1577984545, 1121470655, 882777441, 139560580, 2139919257, 820789257,
+1898162007, 6675532, 51758493, 804847213, 275705871, 1246885804,
+658168523, 1966325428, 2094850101, 231698998, 1468867533, 927808264,
+1313423995, 27545931, 1911675605, 376724485, 2022522750, 637063886,
+562091128, 46019904, 1063172776, 212986628, 193143948, 1294935095,
+993881399, 2042413486, 1086228342, 1683291727, 1801483326, 1189401767,
+1450882216, 1858464503, 1855079500, 1326724577, 1734871315, 1548222238,
+1966282326, 1297628716, 159487328, 1573101242, 426785719, 72200136,
+1884204420, 391317200, 1080554501, 285019761, 943120760, 7124744,
+1115402114, 802470849, 1964356667, 1960971254, 1077903446, 67183127,
+215253688, 962005861, 138356688, 98240943, 1807405496, 805010592,
+892878533, 425673084, 1880574321, 1459417821, 1682211192, 1506142233,
+1867979425, 1321576946, 1889304115, 582144916, 102926510, 1438056115,
+1751699141, 1539198500, 1736018960, 874447426, 1370430737, 158028091,
+830213454, 84442953, 478002763, 1992177394, 283260781, 500554761,
+608355287, 1476142378, 1917216540, 1921304150, 1233676204, 1987220632,
+1628300872, 704676962, 664952429, 1153780146, 1562608939, 1811460092,
+1916392842, 1941182975, 1154268557, 1329577514, 725220972, 1766128801,
+1593162097, 612801712, 562123274, 87904352, 1504571159, 1398355079,
+1825995053, 80381375, 951127489, 849324238, 567490334, 248572213,
+1651344667, 2028742815, 1801765381, 2043626293, 213906326, 143438100,
+411567064, 813777482, 1872782163, 1294613046, 2101012247, 31439236,
+1637792947, 1993562032, 1395888579, 958434755, 1292930952, 687519459,
+701710960, 30124557, 1905935225, 1510749004, 1306496601, 264466552,
+1378680660, 1670701482, 1310930850, 136564095, 2007626089, 1547390501,
+810810644, 1168805588, 898359224, 629482809, 2120956570, 1069280196,
+1511095111, 2087090462, 225047305, 1637362290, 308575013, 1352330332,
+734850344, 670808293, 178357535, 594394980, 1139434567, 883284580,
+1397948317, 28912352, 1446748190, 617861994, 815347173, 1963980261,
+214445682, 907035403, 1143999893, 2062970592, 1984051944, 1774362025,
+512798853, 702140750, 1001106098, 46214571, 1156971972, 1201543040,
+1503090317, 1780990882, 835930457, 884260311, 901771492, 422424056,
+1503069960, 705444497, 578874916, 1062852456, 894989764, 899631711,
+370578589, 1202931154, 383520217, 1327620695, 1831710089, 1086004548,
+1255965593, 840271333, 115928733, 577490500, 78584127, 727056064,
+1752936049, 964887523, 1154711175, 1071664748, 1480358451, 203805324,
+1469054064, 1290874799, 269418577, 1171314433, 215271957, 370094284,
+968856636, 1657607566, 1042793512, 2015382843, 383027214, 1758820919,
+344860887, 647079493, 876643877, 2101300674, 987426396, 16729551,
+1784043767, 1572338717, 843065412, 2067471506, 1502869217, 1799646693,
+213285071, 377052203, 1830446282, 982272583, 414733416, 410793732,
+873346518, 503246214, 797656459, 628299992, 512241280, 948656140,
+1451451600, 345895028, 518757933, 1588415604, 984200527, 1086753412,
+544527639, 874200561, 1470690041, 484206177, 909376930, 1486600433,
+1937975887, 559677004, 1994302069, 823577794, 1116225413, 1743029005,
+1827892021, 1879629231, 423581839, 541026028, 494758223, 1435770877,
+1598155535, 1964981539, 329093792, 1832472320, 1087574585, 1101854573,
+1378007344, 1228236959, 1945133695, 646893932, 1415173992, 1529640465,
+2079401260, 780838700, 1293285469, 391785176, 677753081, 15747793,
+1894718671, 1670274714, 1046250815, 448209684, 335857912, 1765225040,
+1801777069, 527995858, 1721154109, 749717364, 1565144236, 1819753500,
+8884840, 1129870710, 243516099, 2113571701, 1846885628, 940241410,
+1962405398, 190731176, 2008927995, 1226017471, 1368340416, 1104933192,
+1064493189, 218937022, 297879713, 320860513, 818032854, 1949568466,
+314939544, 1795587253, 175992163, 1319391772, 1174222140, 1170802330,
+1061966846, 71721662, 762971128, 182330249, 299574656, 469546625,
+761501604, 53300548, 188294742, 673141118, 648693521, 382299026,
+1870609055, 466728501, 943212212, 1609815508, 262702628, 1507117809,
+161574838, 1019440860, 2050064521, 1425857550, 1492014039, 944287347,
+1007097370, 1757596940, 2090286765, 1730912181, 1320997748, 1589615122,
+1451147491, 1108660228, 2020426077, 892328452, 1655953465, 43749229,
+1376485909, 1317737148, 1415607683, 1841115553, 1460021946, 1886464852,
+1408187472, 154974876, 1191879427, 77435359, 192555798, 595802156,
+920350281, 436095593, 1462774350, 655206373, 1051033499, 752363624,
+1787149375, 595615018, 1665287633, 1590146048, 1769673860, 340684559,
+1652562876, 1824116798, 475024620, 2086628846, 880062478, 256075702,
+340587598, 290281509, 584831433, 2007516777, 1343890550, 349845801,
+1336747094, 568610678, 61799944, 236329154, 526799089, 506356879,
+1740532421, 1879730506, 1990728978, 1915293831, 938595895, 1825498368,
+494032435, 1757730800, 2044538616, 1112573724, 624804594, 1321575931,
+1948102067, 1208497950, 698867660, 1730012823
+printf("init %d\n", 5);
+mt_srand_array(array_slice($init, 0, 5));
+for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
- if ($i) echo ($i % 6 == 0 ? "\n" : " ");
- printf("%d,",
+echo "\n";
+printf("init %d\n", count($init));
+for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
- if ($i) echo ($i % 6 == 0 ? "\n" : " ");
- printf("%d,",
+echo "\n";
+init 5
+1678085969, 173170251, 1782802870, 937957818, 2049075857, 475493648,
+631159003, 265551473, 367318037, 180728820, 882767285, 518593020,
+1483604447, 134774193, 964352505, 1672651821, 88387593, 624398452,
+768905273, 62945995, 1786727054, 129379898, 1251426231, 120487373,
+1588634830, 646438254, 2062420793, 624611897, 380598150, 1999644287,
+126446955, 159634314, 1420847270, 727488664, 299098148, 414993981,
+987722467, 1753145380, 1045592542, 12767669, 1223761434, 1813465931,
+171025115, 335674505, 1777844237, 2046360196, 549508484, 2060432233,
+1478591136, 82598413, 1437272609, 188008750, 537318096, 1563000981,
+1322768027, 122924280, 989201561, 1838053780, 1524406237, 402767818,
+1357934275, 518154174, 1970896318, 1291492803, 1703288044, 1710090268,
+1134974040, 1205530280, 1564219437, 1959999115, 2070873944, 1093246373,
+1774468942, 1548462422, 1537766937, 2470930, 1730334238, 542124953,
+1485726082, 1611191139, 1615506211, 1744134923, 1032166749, 373825211,
+1185635659, 2054543400, 1408272743, 222902069, 934971869, 325709765,
+1848019873, 1701075729, 390124953, 773120821, 360567826, 1789065666,
+1134188761, 235988203, 1649775550, 1866268786, 1865237225, 308439968,
+488266067, 671018254, 112438428, 495480977, 1667523297, 584455950,
+1606364015, 803240708, 681841472, 1884613027, 879967411, 1244875426,
+1958303277, 1169798427, 2067773861, 399232754, 429408626, 1444908741,
+1397404058, 438083513, 51005745, 677540897, 1848792993, 2040283834,
+73877667, 641558522, 210465773, 670213318, 1962329747, 213848257,
+127734689, 1159679712, 309719363, 343863574, 451160292, 363285968,
+920300268, 1223618319, 2092752885, 716753896, 253388247, 1033700545,
+656469891, 964333406, 626675494, 668764599, 284541113, 716974699,
+1552757841, 2122977183, 1961264786, 159796457, 954597579, 76987656,
+458685897, 745258981, 1725018277, 222533039, 811460418, 247922055,
+421883548, 381762822, 756499932, 942630902, 1560631298, 772857810,
+1894117589, 733999678, 793502595, 1322008488, 1614401720, 1495641839,
+1158576564, 1823434050, 1664573103, 7566840, 1727024249, 798041803,
+582370562, 304218954, 838981650, 314510836, 1828785517, 1104865992,
+426047409, 254634264, 1052462887, 654559757, 1110467271, 1368997850,
+1332370983, 1298526292, 1717151294, 1299785270, 1205967042, 1945591610,
+39245245, 252233892, 1379438881, 1563554062, 55749522, 1281643592,
+772214558, 419402223, 2139436058, 1438909276, 116548681, 977950774,
+1843696587, 262197124, 1027335544, 99463235, 1377044058, 272767630,
+2076200847, 785296613, 1095742480, 1187187832, 476552792, 834384586,
+140321133, 1895093493, 1704339120, 1206230228, 672749714, 701573697,
+712587138, 559763958, 1833886670, 1246194772, 131970736, 1026960167,
+258531498, 533309357, 302809735, 78705794, 180401783, 1438221774,
+1171710223, 62233318, 1114313937, 181783356, 1372495881, 1525021015,
+1081472076, 863314220, 1154718358, 632560915, 447829343, 172268965,
+892950544, 638504668, 1927157561, 48066633, 1048890682, 1639383707,
+214700437, 2091128935, 1398268525, 2787833, 404111919, 1496088284,
+1568785210, 1237637766, 2024715775, 1070278879, 333332389, 222404898,
+530985834, 436107194, 898494426, 2002031102, 1463945304, 1047357225,
+877606586, 1779966837, 777777644, 2047233898, 1397786520, 1397326652,
+1888920804, 1987775265, 1343238365, 1521274607, 1664471951, 1824675909,
+1214837658, 687267230, 1318012059, 1523568963, 1569744542, 2040235203,
+1458478110, 813839624, 516195500, 1706443716, 387069934, 826717497,
+661029222, 1698099585, 1619086966, 472920484, 397208282, 1546010573,
+1459811472, 155769548, 1005470241, 1332622415, 1401701839, 929943807,
+17496501, 167865207, 39119769, 1549803902, 1275144214, 402453424,
+291332047, 119011701, 424791945, 1635111346, 1008471199, 1235519240,
+1964241044, 1171691282, 407274744, 264819878, 2127954766, 936159281,
+1125822853, 1147029717, 656833846, 1991402116, 1226342161, 1812321691,
+524992088, 1810773922, 2026071844, 1615449650, 2126358431, 270824574,
+272446342, 1116242880, 1796886580, 697118066, 1732398470, 134944144,
+396856570, 1781884880, 2062414019, 102202061, 614318803, 2073719717,
+42103060, 1524008207, 1003551051, 1324347014, 343150315, 121854185,
+1749758390, 2086808537, 1267592318, 72062746, 1207296988, 1643045338,
+165847348, 965850327, 1630973577, 1485469182, 306799380, 643908446,
+735844106, 613194827, 1424491263, 20870783, 1683414788, 814852722,
+1645422996, 1591969802, 108681618, 596735742, 581347169, 238372006,
+2057427754, 411896601, 179840892, 1171842900, 1243785904, 1160793500,
+1168001476, 1701651494, 1573335512, 919745851, 1423498746, 1599105340,
+59486933, 1946207583, 255480857, 230755676, 582759138, 1782505704,
+1014623654, 93567142, 501546608, 445395111, 1698508681, 2118306626,
+2044371843, 1590884942, 1855172077, 2132429415, 693554267, 1540348537,
+1524008423, 1598749681, 1162339897, 83169613, 1582659019, 1386408935,
+452518407, 399739662, 562081531, 1749652889, 456329004, 1651421807,
+417441467, 72768787, 188189810, 938986731, 1267364468, 1263903786,
+943353794, 831740732, 573154911, 930464617, 1706902055, 320044701,
+1848930605, 759699675, 650016838, 603605656, 1295110101, 1682265851,
+548352407, 1646100528, 1470310168, 1395219556, 2057341385, 1454271902,
+1152371462, 287938688, 1313390732, 732216538, 1611562077, 2108866735,
+1791254179, 1695098182, 860924454, 1071154156, 1595681364, 1110578611,
+967111431, 529535867, 1747680551, 1901288299, 1146121481, 1032369048,
+1561952783, 281435437, 1575636635, 709983939, 1682585696, 792937343,
+706127520, 1356220838, 1323583891, 741089452, 1871351301, 296217876,
+1643734231, 206775477, 1705966924, 948141888, 1049519578, 739897487,
+125778627, 112303069, 864415289, 542025605, 667129468, 965667788,
+2070292383, 631287150, 173144548, 1697432442, 996099145, 604261523,
+1447892832, 837818285, 445235679, 1499594811, 876824624, 393233787,
+1626380339, 1303856788, 855369858, 188641682, 1681158451, 2094210553,
+1781204178, 1135663622, 704285652, 1880224068, 425221731, 327473624,
+1039642257, 1565338083, 414946522, 1010064589, 1264913340, 1515349606,
+1511659415, 867897001, 424884116, 187908546, 2064028594, 1318843210,
+1200326261, 1171921289, 1755282560, 577579416, 1963270104, 108604668,
+1465657995, 2134994058, 54063649, 1922385414, 2134814091, 920509373,
+1371241837, 179734609, 1753977750, 1881176241, 1160194538, 633203641,
+248257266, 160432164, 1174083751, 1869649959, 1265733541, 342753628,
+1042343179, 1558817004, 662228230, 426303967, 52599397, 417304543,
+563481354, 1959363161, 1012360589, 1480861398, 1091180077, 757484865,
+402810392, 22659448, 2104312645, 1393473726, 313079060, 1720345614,
+1547286608, 440350497, 1038702504, 1320656001, 139557658, 160814655,
+1120448208, 1630894778, 1823854524, 2112880666, 254049795, 769182217,
+1988273240, 265535314, 155513257, 910763639, 1494357430, 336664448,
+709382536, 1371967891, 460724405, 1851926075, 1543123287, 1951024034,
+757250103, 371934696, 1711929196, 1140185691, 1916650934, 763374904,
+1270790180, 1862915836, 1428366502, 224431428, 1025831708, 1353196886,
+1472340786, 617723365, 1667847487, 2145832122, 499682359, 1225554127,
+879776645, 1531037326, 1162895834, 317423246, 1685725841, 726301581,
+1445098093, 1518570230, 207578906, 1570892321, 507703530, 1028678219,
+1908778501, 251699072, 803730769, 1725031729, 1231638911, 184249436,
+1657312598, 182416268, 659889559, 1076854276, 1227109276, 2101310460,
+1080262363, 2010944041, 872294238, 296576621, 1639843353, 1055468010,
+1221834574, 1640475125, 1586738399, 1885305952, 183220722, 498344677,
+444321987, 1643254950, 1707056411, 840347155, 701891000, 1586612615,
+2069168262, 146270803, 833420350, 493189987, 773262803, 1653658434,
+2052935862, 1732568101, 589336318, 1317029499, 1947842396, 1625044604,
+2067190720, 1938660402, 2127461260, 1833473329, 1769289178, 675228003,
+1274493809, 2030117365, 2111336557, 889705256, 1313670825, 978867720,
+1124383289, 1081615542, 872995886, 1580286787, 1743304828, 2065619306,
+141336252, 900473833, 1276311040, 1031012968, 1684506321, 1715923687,
+113051291, 2103905761, 1796447328, 1481419947, 1265353271, 463463765,
+1181842726, 1864289951, 1391445669, 1561920507, 1690657304, 539450648,
+233976639, 1781460989, 102116313, 277501659, 2057695232, 399374154,
+253291389, 213054850, 1549165702, 141993661, 609980912, 954361616,
+369994966, 1963169244, 1461655693, 1456507482, 559744717, 584737195,
+1489543623, 559564535, 140274584, 970099295, 392790864, 54182867,
+593868692, 2140733955, 101159131, 2024047281, 1266096579, 606195139,
+1602404067, 2060457720, 1761718118, 1836011858, 785892683, 1716308014,
+861070048, 1702443877, 941622984, 378366524, 152594682, 167909708,
+314963998, 630854539, 1798994002, 1389044097, 985097841, 1157040721,
+265075438, 1429980301, 499489890, 623159753, 1172125800, 886466981,
+183494643, 564774918, 1898626953, 306976580, 810859339, 291570861,
+1487607786, 1852587929, 2013416964, 214002840, 1133515065, 729846310,
+2122565116, 1966058439, 1973273434, 906557283, 1982866876, 1725046252,
+922159523, 1680009188, 636183905, 492096369, 1065504721, 1658221372,
+1915213760, 20704986, 2054518307, 417623390, 338259801, 1772577704,
+1164295913, 1487400349, 1198936352, 941802882, 710953151, 41436756,
+694551391, 1780791007, 1670172407, 510226143, 1704983228, 1234576800,
+2017484910, 1987089499, 877072623, 218656974, 1882899491, 203698556,
+1513215802, 1080859235, 722664779, 663232474, 694739582, 37157761,
+321239494, 1340305956, 569186972, 1999156701, 1125628319, 2053000467,
+931556325, 1339953903, 474370210, 1778883985, 27178352, 1364274459,
+2116793083, 1332866977, 451364122, 277350424, 1259803477, 806709477,
+710988522, 568129536, 1525314388, 1589055462, 1649655838, 24851681,
+1191362823, 652466018, 51507135, 1949811523, 1420215882, 20117642,
+1857490136, 612776782, 848703729, 212984899, 488209359, 894858669,
+749747098, 1449304251, 1395664211, 1033532758, 2065110276, 1559613251,
+265952038, 943542317, 1998024290, 313914991, 1194859837, 389750550,
+411229008, 840806755, 292338179, 1161175231, 317219581, 507864395,
+606806965, 1325384287, 955404346, 1246677080, 1322281139, 1598537319,
+1166023292, 1450778928, 1637022860, 731667986, 2073782484, 1004998191,
+102564534, 815125906, 1576098225, 1524965501, 5313864, 1823974573,
+1773504912, 1041743912, 881554341, 960776758, 552712693, 408302745,
+2114071279, 992220049, 511892365, 1697239197, 1629776795, 1137469311,
+576094438, 427212158, 202025744, 1805447936, 542712707, 1212058647,
+1131832821, 691738312, 1352812628, 892381556, 715334465, 1341375748,
+564271455, 1911559160, 1475034391, 158936189, 2098991028, 1661681153,
+988209962, 1208631994, 1931293838, 1520770876, 1957491147, 1319211690,
+1839734598, 98025503, 1898820039, 191381922, 1071988827, 346778027,
+2076473163, 1923156889, 42870090, 904787726, 371487994, 1174099381,
+2065179007, 1990282685, 2063040778, 837926979, 2070802548, 1660082840,
+1062920547, 383910317, 240858277, 1821874888, 578052854, 1794193445,
+840412869, 1649530704, 327206201, 856874774, 452646903, 256085065,
+1309181648, 92993917, 1316491931, 226414572, 1946863354, 2098432716,
+590780777, 775622219, 65186292, 312039255, 499083469, 300853689,
+85727687, 423103458, 1603448541, 260765600, 654212345, 1927590285,
+829298165, 1361679699, 1252981468, 925948379, 1531851382, 1392425081,
+1592767896, 2055439648, 726498016, 1752842652, 660098655, 361867427,
+1775381738, 660450687, 1118322932, 87583662, 880921452, 25581819,
+61209221, 1474069918, 1248142062, 1390035608, 241286489, 2001493941,
+1791774504, 709352275, 801736976, 1302784851, 876575406, 827516598,
+850464784, 1956581916, 378456154, 2036444036,
+init 1000
+1566269010, 1577817406, 983081823, 466847167, 1269997621, 1570102927,
+1175203448, 387128547, 1152641261, 1675164555, 708054521, 809195642,
+1154980224, 893776526, 1466993235, 1987264596, 1777519094, 1792057342,
+1900130956, 212087530, 1214906941, 1386095814, 481453987, 572437858,
+685038779, 556063355, 113351045, 1147151342, 1609864850, 1641590377,
+440937637, 1789685137, 458387830, 1071903074, 1137640085, 499179440,
+1927787531, 91245143, 204426269, 508877080, 625409662, 745281164,
+599264206, 22418560, 1714492083, 2145982767, 686507795, 1893975320,
+862119871, 199956756, 1333019389, 535957904, 645851752, 714371650,
+1604067957, 974054946, 1803085920, 413150636, 709122057, 1006236295,
+2072315812, 1641026853, 2116076672, 1963131314, 2015575705, 1754791675,
+1596226318, 1376496955, 402027722, 718707965, 1312024918, 157830053,
+860495892, 1684103858, 2096376248, 2087857649, 969316396, 344059322,
+2098340507, 907491929, 54656404, 1846526534, 572433124, 1476099654,
+1952268768, 1336999301, 815101974, 507852672, 623075903, 1602813023,
+1112061737, 1788404453, 1706235013, 1830416895, 130726061, 1202957358,
+1905013405, 17696991, 803084719, 1542037857, 1753073656, 553315491,
+1037031163, 413050390, 1972842238, 490076427, 768679251, 2032313061,
+1900005591, 1909296309, 1630406245, 338865021, 258597916, 1567660738,
+1886914963, 37364240, 96683127, 815918524, 1278067042, 3952756,
+720030699, 1872939470, 2030750901, 417006013, 971097311, 256405565,
+454406216, 2143061063, 2080327435, 1110617569, 1518651660, 608778944,
+1773476245, 436639808, 412565702, 2122330027, 813463571, 189556107,
+42983345, 252282741, 750734589, 1836585880, 1849636644, 1128503777,
+1065907346, 1951190421, 1508054477, 354656362, 1337989637, 1014835319,
+1561677407, 1435373313, 752380763, 798814388, 1957637951, 179956077,
+1406092512, 2032644936, 140940168, 1785330322, 2037803748, 1374413818,
+1260471946, 1168813720, 1715740660, 325886497, 1206606207, 1743914311,
+730716435, 326437850, 1555942420, 158875311, 1631278570, 537421974,
+59088190, 1980156516, 497581730, 172724213, 2055447169, 300797259,
+2052359904, 117801240, 376371077, 1568317567, 1497319595, 766659117,
+956118239, 1219237068, 661967320, 2042816439, 1534887435, 2104452721,
+1709596870, 663362071, 1637569290, 354026836, 1714337378, 498529972,
+1779724846, 397501320, 720901087, 976717623, 355776524, 1834092419,
+1234705911, 107143663, 13817521, 1411999332, 839549259, 889725526,
+1879351433, 1946412586, 1983975745, 1329576496, 919590745, 1074674083,
+365349485, 1039061118, 1069820944, 242436950, 641482727, 913581683,
+876261540, 1647392872, 1937921206, 1929825879, 881678898, 982329413,
+1846389738, 1639187759, 411987811, 1202402139, 1631049557, 1035015103,
+2029797068, 1029821435, 1328775232, 857109758, 1991731166, 531949017,
+756556826, 486001859, 1454625531, 1763854647, 631675719, 184649092,
+893545379, 2050281110, 381164101, 557331191, 1763134224, 614249057,
+1410725653, 1379973575, 1511233308, 212582416, 515501642, 2069735867,
+746529097, 193611016, 1934357579, 220270635, 847942224, 1886818967,
+1340917950, 368977556, 608474695, 576911109, 840222279, 1354234175,
+2065802593, 1491578590, 433360840, 484954434, 1540629038, 1413861729,
+70406799, 1583455072, 2034279236, 343804889, 1732753268, 481448963,
+1677751046, 2071149371, 410272071, 1290290178, 534247187, 542242491,
+1509508142, 500727695, 204146588, 1322643382, 1607713322, 830860005,
+1251289915, 768663095, 1273968338, 144053432, 2118725784, 1142916899,
+449238281, 212592138, 374885348, 494184451, 169912675, 2050022386,
+1811877283, 584380257, 1133579912, 595920115, 581582193, 116921249,
+1117736860, 88115023, 1172100320, 581947787, 1120270592, 1256745825,
+626331590, 1452472680, 1993145721, 1495183160, 982652345, 157025499,
+884519486, 1768290640, 213571931, 1557849941, 1684341473, 1230241812,
+1091632646, 833725385, 341249065, 2142868457, 1853608709, 1080490176,
+568276421, 1376926838, 637735195, 1093522817, 435390514, 1248677273,
+1944464367, 1868385292, 964774263, 915984617, 1365167027, 1230848150,
+431737586, 1639401166, 399922119, 927370301, 166480471, 529810054,
+316432245, 695072575, 1973035081, 1395174978, 482569996, 541373971,
+678894176, 1330306190, 590473532, 615541562, 124180112, 2010719946,
+2027991127, 644413027, 673982143, 1337556209, 2090219548, 726936465,
+803025765, 9941720, 225746830, 1717861759, 405792821, 1990870861,
+1739348810, 1266097278, 388545031, 792104156, 1034851507, 235374003,
+1957659503, 1548780660, 778628998, 1795062311, 1572515640, 1678158612,
+896895521, 151723812, 1307029593, 1928424284, 348559864, 2062382079,
+951246024, 2104159840, 1673276881, 1646390749, 2144609983, 545748263,
+1825978368, 437523956, 1741371085, 1381271541, 1015120853, 538483106,
+2049710079, 1659575013, 705531742, 1735748503, 445555545, 1336307753,
+100946396, 260386021, 1723425839, 1922531334, 1270786911, 1803295540,
+285720423, 406936151, 2083378228, 1362104072, 506278299, 66281655,
+1772530155, 879502602, 72714215, 1106123927, 1940101791, 300477828,
+504902151, 54825302, 117215879, 626805023, 686892667, 850679206,
+1293075053, 667159655, 1145563618, 2030167690, 1430100049, 1961271371,
+702760731, 1945844564, 1461201416, 744192262, 1405238206, 154907952,
+1954621046, 1523259518, 1999768623, 1159020794, 625477257, 900800864,
+644286390, 1088485681, 299208777, 528457469, 111395140, 1683097597,
+1056119046, 4251645, 1652966696, 1582238634, 133176526, 138344746,
+285754828, 2128525112, 1719157610, 1623808636, 1850815404, 956821234,
+117150474, 1129021313, 780976427, 610504601, 1628878066, 1955252946,
+616992500, 1271309286, 1723733416, 1817267056, 1019743602, 193462273,
+1051893934, 2037915990, 252861047, 1920878383, 1365707085, 1185753156,
+1402699015, 1369745688, 427988387, 1011936546, 136510012, 1258758184,
+1548835887, 311827966, 1236178639, 1672407956, 667450528, 400161398,
+846383170, 2079881426, 1546079068, 1442325274, 683650858, 1889106145,
+289056132, 140354545, 1326110467, 931216875, 624507476, 2011103114,
+1880127485, 1673665861, 1662834564, 1981977072, 398222660, 1557275831,
+1047937588, 1068084173, 1178431401, 80296864, 1358199527, 1573561785,
+580143609, 566615593, 601387710, 1088776573, 2077876630, 2131144638,
+914673956, 2048285474, 11059211, 1953683466, 103310197, 382096973,
+209634909, 1887166585, 1300166856, 903399251, 206167289, 916703053,
+798690300, 1638870085, 727372493, 300208288, 347390601, 432906269,
+1924077408, 947187038, 1012670253, 351371782, 732447818, 1569590945,
+677103690, 257042870, 1323690614, 150665311, 1612322141, 2128112401,
+1596688388, 270507107, 693928176, 1304295702, 1752879041, 649561287,
+1572533400, 569542095, 77777366, 170386339, 2021926578, 1463129342,
+1479202184, 83014597, 110364816, 2045756296, 1841740845, 126832529,
+1834098154, 171638643, 582088843, 1643097176, 1119500020, 1423400004,
+1790540275, 877561826, 1793330797, 300372912, 1593487417, 1830479276,
+1498911560, 1847121722, 1051725080, 1747802374, 927047373, 941492819,
+2055277505, 354162913, 1889442208, 1823866659, 581189589, 2026986798,
+1523298334, 625266996, 1573256235, 396671957, 1903012905, 1508597776,
+1483060549, 1315331726, 1527729858, 2039849814, 2014154800, 1181753309,
+1471586630, 1211076991, 407276916, 1769518037, 1522242524, 1242078816,
+1680672623, 1766016978, 1715122078, 1689997128, 239651397, 2128004,
+263908936, 947318146, 945100847, 1838061580, 1539318094, 1382027122,
+829275567, 1569882046, 705688589, 1407806053, 1813402212, 850675482,
+1961073181, 145026907, 86472510, 349519394, 897945788, 863399452,
+1065901208, 531434638, 366166351, 1210713321, 545218367, 393073926,
+2145548400, 782955693, 1765822321, 2064685344, 491739241, 850350547,
+1807891474, 914179880, 2135491260, 1927664009, 652214332, 797260284,
+2043815368, 1744175349, 1220786036, 1383649232, 625688720, 36788760,
+1146356168, 1727917125, 540113674, 564007062, 1859729499, 445212953,
+104049108, 1331380046, 1166188473, 406846492, 27712569, 1779852012,
+1744181400, 1033379450, 14700903, 336960325, 1105087089, 1947166654,
+233362575, 370018037, 88032338, 7121984, 455108562, 456712611,
+515680341, 758082237, 633497608, 4886464, 2002670893, 230767083,
+1838406105, 141370929, 306689046, 1419863118, 681924133, 1489140170,
+1085660270, 725801642, 1918642751, 2138754657, 435314433, 2121705254,
+1985684699, 163116873, 1724867483, 1471730357, 1198173424, 524994508,
+1583772194, 2092726628, 625972840, 1363038444, 881234242, 136543603,
+812730655, 835472734, 1635357858, 290284274, 1508089326, 398331261,
+1053426013, 1483748698, 1285522591, 893844247, 979464340, 1801611536,
+424018008, 1347754035, 591529653, 2114332011, 1806546159, 428794870,
+1040972676, 2046488098, 153141013, 1240978913, 181969442, 1335605097,
+1715089625, 936188331, 1344831690, 244136143, 448170287, 1012075312,
+1392491975, 767135763, 848031523, 1174197785, 2066189082, 1889450891,
+1438176502, 435239824, 202737780, 106455036, 1824553616, 297201847,
+499987415, 1134607425, 608396192, 677251042, 2030155701, 402970258,
+569948609, 1742668094, 1010948100, 1977658738, 984749927, 1627112888,
+2077086196, 2038466678, 1653833146, 997175011, 19317323, 1225718430,
+1469762781, 1337789398, 1557336200, 131097097, 1443283387, 313351869,
+331389911, 1870193156, 1828665818, 410101653, 1886158783, 1598060173,
+471802754, 1953815303, 1572360883, 211877323, 1889232301, 1857329269,
+1006787573, 716565559, 1434164093, 328738024, 1375628013, 372989124,
+1713026412, 49575548, 392271740, 463232215, 1962248445, 356458153,
+1140606224, 1227379596, 451859963, 1872051058, 1126455819, 1277227524,
+1456117912, 720379128, 1274817423, 774192336, 1330206633, 295950373,
+608830155, 72015799, 795331808, 2094638698, 1783650852, 1565187482,
+1436531223, 1041782516, 1817038608, 1317740161, 975683255, 224013088,
+1545876956, 210933809, 1852223567, 596416452, 1067144276, 1067470614,
+1486931882, 1992346842, 1504479407, 423872078, 572501910, 1276519857,
+1594410049, 364281209, 1305023144, 700962990, 1242120327, 1844730466,
+7364502, 533008553, 66898889, 695933977, 74026318, 1505057971,
+2061555609, 535848125, 2014391648, 1233678896, 3039898, 425922244,
+633593963, 1099905413, 1244196901, 762198604, 664843818, 501129477,
+704330228, 358309157, 1575126050, 262431423, 366472858, 1573817300,
+186883646, 1797234154, 1576829418, 504867654, 1288982796, 366978291,
+1647638799, 490027916, 913283365, 2024351979, 2076484705, 337959169,
+1375037894, 1841835564, 1647008925, 1024649771, 1188738330, 129397397,
+1666842612, 1922311433, 1685281962, 1591222765, 1039061943, 1068438064,
+1901654105, 1245395290, 1457048121, 1560648642, 2131679385, 1929730568,
+1058666050, 1060141144, 1032781762, 318505686, 1759205741, 913104929,
+240122500, 111664352, 1938328983, 1858305935, 1170071476, 1078589492,
+1831305263, 576967257, 1156272103, 1853668432, 1423885235, 1069236445,
+373398740, 76799505, 1508478769, 1204810226, 139921540, 25296222,
+1775050726, 1070339572, 1538705766, 1710004382, 2036586058, 157021750,
+1328896008, 799515396, 105573906, 1648776433, 200274819, 1609618251,
+1429957221, 1048386394, 1086086873, 921575972, 1593744128, 1903738620,
+20595829, 756026662, 1710504223, 1461767411, 1382851745, 1969238478,
+2023915315, 1215868715, 945046162, 877606552, 578901097, 1178110092,
+660071002, 1023096368, 157664468, 650644160, 486773073, 184628872,
+739444301, 1087773393, 776382171, 1102089934, 1844970880, 739464598,
+1416957267, 520482290, 857692367, 617530923, 16042936, 2029902781,
+1590953954, 1012080749, 158571029, 602934895, 549207069, 1710425395,
+1902800938, 252359401, 16477979, 1659604578, 449255533, 170718306,
+802597574, 1208707263, 1717931711, 298439704,
Hi Lauri,
Do you have a PR against php-src on github? It's easier to read and comment.
Hi Lauri,
Do you have a PR against php-src on github? It's easier to read and
Here's a PR with a revised patch (also accepts other than pure
And here's an alternative with no sanity checks at all, which makes the
patch even simpler (and more PHP-like, since 'foo' is silently converted
to zero; this truly the most marvelous feature of PHP).
Lauri Kenttä
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Lauri Kenttä lauri.kentta@gmail.com
Hi Lauri,
Do you have a PR against php-src on github? It's easier to read and
Here's a PR with a revised patch (also accepts other than pure integers):
And here's an alternative with no sanity checks at all, which makes the
patch even simpler (and more PHP-like, since 'foo' is silently converted to
zero; this truly the most marvelous feature of PHP).
Personally I'm not a fan of this. We should not perpetuate the use of
as either a seedable random number generator or an implementation
of a specific algorithm. We have broken the former in 7.1 (seed sequence
change) and were close to breaking the latter (replacing mt19937 with
Instead, let's first introduce an object-based PRNG interface, which a)
does not rely on volatile global state and b) is explicit about the choice
of algorithm and seeding procedure.
Instead, let's first introduce an object-based PRNG interface, which
a) does not rely on volatile global state and b) is explicit about the
choice of algorithm and seeding procedure.
That would be a nice solution. However, that's a task for someone
who already knows this Zend stuff a bit better...
Lauri Kenttä