Hi. I'm reading the "Enumerated Types" RFC on https://wiki.php.net/rfc/enum
I like to know if there are some internal talking about that. It seems
to be a draft for 7.2, but seems to be stopped for 5 months, and too
seems to have a good initial implementation.
What it needs to be voted, now?
(Off-topic: there are some place where I can found the internals
talking about that? The externals.io not allows search.)
David Rodrigues
(Off-topic: there are some place where I can found the internals
talking about that?
The externals.io not allows search.)
(if the link is broken just search for the exact rfc url on markmail.org)
(Off-topic: there are some place where I can found the internals
talking about that? The externals.io not allows search.)
The mailing list has a confusing number of different sites archiving it,
all with their quirks. I find this one has a reasonable search engine
and reasonable-ish interface: http://marc.info/?l=php-internals
I'm not sure Bob and Levi's RFC actually got a proper introduction
thread (I think the aim was to have a fairly complete test
implementation first), but it was discussed when I brought the subject
up a few months ago. See http://marc.info/?t=144253131600003&r=1&w=2 and
Rowan Collins