Perhaps it's time to revisit the idea of allowing variables to have their
types locked down. The keywords needed are already reserved. So...
string $a = "hello";
int $b = 5;
Once declared this way the variable's type won't change unless it gets
unset. In normal mode PHP will coerce any assignment to the variable to the
desired type. If declare strict types is on then assigning the wrong type
to a variable would raise a type error.
Note this would simplify one of the use cases of setters - insuring the
class member is of a valid type.
The idea of function overloading reminded me of this. I'd consider being
able to do this sort of type lockdown to be prerequisite to having
overloaded functions.
Since this approach is entirely opt in I don't think it would make the
language harder to learn.
Perhaps it's time to revisit the idea of allowing variables to have their
types locked down. The keywords needed are already reserved. So...string $a = "hello";
int $b = 5;Once declared this way the variable's type won't change unless it gets
Note this would simplify one of the use cases of setters - insuring the
class member is of a valid type.
It's already possible to ensure within a setter that the variable is of
a specified type, you only need to make the instance variable private
and scalar type hint the method arguments within the setter (provided
that strict_types is set), I think this would be more likely to lead to
code littered with calls to unset rather than to provide much benefit,
and as far as I'm aware, there's no real performance benefit that can be
gained from this as of yet since the variables will still be a zval
Daniel Morris
I think it would make more sense for typed properties to exist first, and
it so happens that there was a recent RFC for this: That RFC failed by a very small
I would suggest you read through the discussions on the mailing list
regarding that RFC for some common arguments to typing in PHP.
Perhaps it's time to revisit the idea of allowing variables to have their
types locked down. The keywords needed are already reserved. So...string $a = "hello";
int $b = 5;Once declared this way the variable's type won't change unless it gets
unset. In normal mode PHP will coerce any assignment to the variable to the
desired type. If declare strict types is on then assigning the wrong type
to a variable would raise a type error.Note this would simplify one of the use cases of setters - insuring the
class member is of a valid type.The idea of function overloading reminded me of this. I'd consider being
able to do this sort of type lockdown to be prerequisite to having
overloaded functions.Since this approach is entirely opt in I don't think it would make the
language harder to learn.
I think it would make more sense for typed properties to exist first, and
it so happens that there was a recent RFC for this: That RFC failed by a very small
margin.I would suggest you read through the discussions on the mailing list
regarding that RFC for some common arguments to typing in PHP.
It really does feel that it's time for a complete split between the
simplicity that PHP has traditionally provided by NOT requiring
everything is tied down in the straight jacket of 'strict typing' and a
version of PHP that only works for that style of user.
Things like 'function overloading' and 'int $b = 5;' do not simplify
anything if you are using PHP to get away from the 'annoyance' of having
to worry just how '5' was supplied. That it is an integer is only a
small part of verifying if it is actually a valid input and handling
mistakes or even hack attempts are not solved by simply throwing out of
line errors due to a different style of working. Simply adding a range
check on an input keeps the fault in the right place and perhaps allows
'five' to be responded to with a correct response ...
What is STILL needed even if you make PHP only strict is a proper
validation of the data contained in those 'restricted' pots ... and I
include validation that an in variable is 8, 16, 32, 64 and today even
bigger which is where the need for strict typing originated, and
function overload to handle a multiple of fixed variable sizes.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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Hi Michael,
I think it would make more sense for typed properties to exist first, and
it so happens that there was a recent RFC for this: That RFC failed by a very small
margin.I would suggest you read through the discussions on the mailing list
regarding that RFC for some common arguments to typing in PHP.
In addition, type safety provides limited safety. e.g. Range checks are
mandatory for safety.
DbC provides more powerful features to ensure proper operations without
production environment overheads.
In order to exploit power of DbC, we need usable/easy to use validation
feature like
though. i.e. Most DbC checks are omitted in production environment,
therefore validation function that is executed in production environment
is mandatory with DbC.
Yasuo Ohgaki