Hi there!
I just singed up at https://wiki.php.net https://wiki.php.net/. It instructed me to write a quick E-Mail to this address to prove I’m human.
My username is: ilijatovilo
Basically, I’ve been working with PHP professionally for quite a few years. The thing I’m mostly interested in is giving feedback to RFCs. I’ve worked with a variety of different programming languages and think that I can bring some valid arguments to the table as to why certain features would prove beneficial or why not.
Without a doubt, PHP is moving into the right direction.
Nonetheless, I feel like there have been quite a few RFCs that were very well thought through but still didn’t make it into the language.
I’m looking at you, https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2 https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2 ;)
So I’m basically just hoping to give one more voice to those who are not too afraid of change.
Kind regards,
2016-09-03 1:56 GMT+02:00 Ilija Tovilo ilija.tovilo@me.com:
Basically, I’ve been working with PHP professionally for quite a few years. The thing I’m mostly interested in is giving feedback to RFCs. I’ve worked with a variety of different programming languages and think that I can bring some valid arguments to the table as to why certain features would prove beneficial or why not.
You do not need a wiki account to giving feedbak about RFCs ;-) --
They are all posted to the PHP internals mailing list, see
Kalle Sommer Nielsen