yesterday I mentioned an old issue re: an issue on AIX - that probably
only occurs when not using gcc.
Further, because it was time - I am still using php 5.2 because of all
the little irritations when it comes to packaging PHP - I went through
the process of building the "generic" php for versions 5.2, 5.3, 5.4,
5.5, 5.6 and 7.0 - on AIX, using xlc as compiler.
The 5.X versions, ultimately, all create a sapi/cli/php client. I have
not tried for the cgi client - no real interest.
Of these: "make test" fails, repeatedly with version 5.6 - at least when
src and build directory are separated.
For the 5.6 version (same problem in the 5.5 version, but maybe that is
no longer supported) I could open a bug-report - but I wonder if there
is any interest. I amy be doing something wrong - but I could only find
9 bugs with "AIX" mentioned in the OS - open and closed.
p.s. - as far as packaging goes I know (now) that it is not always on
php. The Apache, read httpd, instdso script is not capable of doing what
is needed for automated packaging - and I will not bother any of you
with that - unless I find a "trick" that could be applied from the php
side as a workaround.