Moving this to a new thread in order to not spam the other.
Den 2016-03-18 kl. 21:12, skrev Fleshgrinder:
No worries you are not, not at all. I just wanted to thwart you and
others in directly assigning class A { int $x; }
... to be public and obstruct the opportunity of assigning it a
meaningful new functionality.Well, but if one should assign int $x without visibility keyword a
meaning, shouldn't it be the same as for function y() {} without
keyword, i.e. public?Of course one can change both, but that sounds like a 8.0 topic.
Regards //Björn
It is a sad state the implicit public properties use var and implicit
public methods nothing, this makes the introduction of new visibility
modifiers terribly complicated. You are completely right, they should be
the same and var should be banned. It is consistent and that is very
important. I cannot and do not want to argue against this. Yet at the
same time the lack of access (and additional visibility) modifiers is
what I am missing the most. Seems as if this has to wait for 8.0 (or
9.0, depending on the resistance). :(I just thought about this some more and this is actually not true.
namespace Fleshgrinder\Examples\PhpInternals; final class A { int $x; var $y; $z; function getX() { return $this->x; } }
Everything is public here, as we already agreed upon and changing that
would be a topic for 8.0 or 9.0. The var keyword should be banned imho
but I do not know about the $z in the example. Is this even possible
with the parser? Otherwise we could keep the var keyword because with
my proposal here it would become useful again.assembly fleshgrinder/experiments; namespace Fleshgrinder\Examples\PhpInternals; final class A { int $x; function getX() { return $this->x; } }
Where assembly could also be module, package, ... and it allows
one to group multiple classes and namespaces together across composer
packages. Furthermore it alters the access and visibility of members. In
the above example where no visibility modifiers are specified both the
class /A/ and the method /getX/ are only accessible within the
fleshgrinder/experiments assembly. This approach would allow the
introduction of such a system in a feature release (7.x.0) without
breaking changes. Either the new keyword is present and missing
visibility modifiers are globally scoped (hence implicit public) due to
everything being in the global assembly by default or the new keyword is
present and missing visibility modifiers are restricting access to the
assembly.Usage of the word /package/ could be a blessing and a curse at the same
time because the word is already heavily in use in the PHP world, e.g.
/@package/ in DocBlocks or in /composer package/.The same holds true for /module/ because it is sometimes used to refer
to PHP extensions and PEAR uses it.Hence, assembly might be the best choice here and is my proposal.
The following proposal in regards to access and visibility is not well
thought through but hopefully a starting point:Methods
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
:= limited to the current assembly
public := globalProperties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
:= limited to the current assembly
public := global
var :=E_STRICT
or limited to the current assemblyClasses, Interfaces, and Traits
private := limited to the current namespace
protected := limited to the current and child namespaces
:= limited to the current assembly
public := globalDefault assembly is always global and old code would not change at all. :)
Reposting to make sure that this is a new thread.
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
I just thought about this some more and this is actually not true.
namespace Fleshgrinder\Examples\PhpInternals; final class A { int $x; var $y; $z; function getX() { return $this->x; } }
Everything is public here, as we already agreed upon and changing that
would be a topic for 8.0 or 9.0. The var keyword should be banned imho
but I do not know about the $z in the example. Is this even possible
with the parser? Otherwise we could keep the var keyword because with
my proposal here it would become useful again.assembly fleshgrinder/experiments; namespace Fleshgrinder\Examples\PhpInternals; final class A { int $x; function getX() { return $this->x; } }
Where assembly could also be module, package, ... and it allows
one to group multiple classes and namespaces together across composer
packages. Furthermore it alters the access and visibility of members. In
the above example where no visibility modifiers are specified both the
class /A/ and the method /getX/ are only accessible within the
fleshgrinder/experiments assembly. This approach would allow the
introduction of such a system in a feature release (7.x.0) without
breaking changes. Either the new keyword is present and missing
visibility modifiers are globally scoped (hence implicit public) due to
everything being in the global assembly by default or the new keyword is
present and missing visibility modifiers are restricting access to the
assembly.Usage of the word /package/ could be a blessing and a curse at the same
time because the word is already heavily in use in the PHP world, e.g.
/@package/ in DocBlocks or in /composer package/.The same holds true for /module/ because it is sometimes used to refer
to PHP extensions and PEAR uses it.Hence, assembly might be the best choice here and is my proposal.
The following proposal in regards to access and visibility is not well
thought through but hopefully a starting point:Methods
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
:= limited to the current assembly
public := globalProperties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
:= limited to the current assembly
public := global
var :=E_STRICT
or limited to the current assemblyClasses, Interfaces, and Traits
private := limited to the current namespace
protected := limited to the current and child namespaces
:= limited to the current assembly
public := globalDefault assembly is always global and old code would not change at all. :)
I would like to change above definition for properties since the var
deprecation was voted negative:
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
var := limited to the current assembly
public := global
And here is a list of additional keywords I collected that could be used
instead of assembly (which I do not like that much):
- group
- crate (used by Rust)
- unit
- segment
- kit
- container
- bin
- ...
I was also thinking about prescribing some parsable format for the
content of this new keyword. I do not see a real value in doing so since
such an identifier does not bare any meaning other than grouping
namespaces and classes together, hence, we could simply use a string, e.g.:
assembly 'WhatEver!';
On the other side, not specifying anything parsable might result in
misuse in the community. An alternative would be to reuse the namespace
syntax. The advantage would be that users do not have to learn a new
syntax. A disadvantage is that is looks very similar to namespaces. A
third option is to use the composer package naming conventions. Yes we
would be pulling in something from a userland tool here but we would
actually just say that composer did something good here and bless it.
The syntax would be:
assembly <vendor>/<name>;
This syntax would be extremely strict compared to the possibilities for
other identifiers in PHP and the PCRE might need to be extended if this
is an option you find worth pursuing.
Would love to here some general feedback on the idea.
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
Fleshgrinder wrote on 07/04/2016 18:35:
I would like to change above definition for properties since thevar
deprecation was voted negative:Properties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
var := limited to the current assembly
public := global
I'm not convinced of the value of reusing the keyword in this way. To
me, there is nothing in the term "var" that means "slightly less than
public", and if we want to have package/assembly/whatever visibility, we
should reserve a new keyword for that use.
Meanwhile, it might be worth checking the list archives for previous
discussions of package visibility; I know it has come up a couple of
times recently, in various forms, so it would be good not to repeat the
same points again and again.
Rowan Collins
I was working on a private-class support for PHP an year ago, until I hit a
problem I couldn't fix myself.
Now I have some more expertise of what I could do to resolve it, but I
still didn't start on rebase/update of patch yet.
However, I'd like to describe my line of thinking here, so people can
debate about it even without me working on an updated patch yet. It's a
preliminary work that needs to happen before people spend time on a patch,
that will later be transformed into an RFC.
The situation that brought me to work on this is, as a library developer,
people reuse internal classes that are not meant to be reused outside of
library's code. Changes to its API can potentially break consumers of the
library, making upgrades hard to happen.
To mitigate this problem, I thought about working on two patches to the
language that could help library/application developers, self-containing
code that is not meant to be reused. They're detailed as follow:
1- Private-class visibility: Only classes in the same namespace (siblings)
or child ones could instantiate the class. Cloning would still be possible
outside of namespace's scope, the same to access public members.
This is what is currently 90% done in:
It requires changes to Zend Engine to include a start namespace and an end
namespace opcodes, allowing to locate in which scope you are. There are
failing tests that are not passing because of this right now.
2- Protected-class visibility: It would work the same way as private-class
visibility, but with the difference that other classes in the same
namespace/child namespaces could access protected members of the specified
protected class.
Of course both of them would require to go through RFC writing, idea
validation, voting and performance assessment process, but it's already a
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Rowan Collins
Fleshgrinder wrote on 07/04/2016 18:35:
I would like to change above definition for properties since thevar
deprecation was voted negative:Properties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
var := limited to the current assembly
public := globalI'm not convinced of the value of reusing the keyword in this way. To me,
there is nothing in the term "var" that means "slightly less than public",
and if we want to have package/assembly/whatever visibility, we should
reserve a new keyword for that use.Meanwhile, it might be worth checking the list archives for previous
discussions of package visibility; I know it has come up a couple of times
recently, in various forms, so it would be good not to repeat the same
points again and again.Regards,
Rowan Collins
Guilherme Blanco
Lead Architect at E-Block
I was working on a private-class support for PHP an year ago, until I hit a
problem I couldn't fix myself.
Hi, I know and I commented on the PR on GitHub some time ago. I kept the
semantics of private classes exactly as you have implemented it in there.
The situation that brought me to work on this is, as a library developer,
people reuse internal classes that are not meant to be reused outside of
library's code. Changes to its API can potentially break consumers of the
library, making upgrades hard to happen.
That is exactly my motivation as well.
To mitigate this problem, I thought about working on two patches to the
language that could help library/application developers, self-containing
code that is not meant to be reused. They're detailed as follow:1- Private-class visibility: Only classes in the same namespace (siblings)
or child ones could instantiate the class. Cloning would still be possible
outside of namespace's scope, the same to access public members.
This is what is currently 90% done in:
It requires changes to Zend Engine to include a start namespace and an end
namespace opcodes, allowing to locate in which scope you are. There are
failing tests that are not passing because of this right now.2- Protected-class visibility: It would work the same way as private-class
visibility, but with the difference that other classes in the same
namespace/child namespaces could access protected members of the specified
protected class.Of course both of them would require to go through RFC writing, idea
validation, voting and performance assessment process, but it's already a
All fine with the private class approach and as mentioned I kept it
equal. However, the protected class approach you describe has a huge
drawback: it does not apply to parent namespaces. This makes it
extremely hard to organize the classes nicely, e.g. (symfony/process):
namespace Process\Pipes {
abstract private class AbstractPipes {}
final protected class UnixPipes extends AbstractPipes {}
final protected class WinPipes extends AbstractPipes {}
namespace Process {
final public class Process {}
Where the process instantiates the pipes as needed.
Another problem is that suddenly every class in the current and child
namespaces have the ability to access protected properties. However, you
might not want that because protected properties are for true childs
only. Hence, we need an additional modifier that currently does not
exist in order to have full control over the usage of our internals.
This is what I tried to achieve with my proposal, cover the logical side
of things so that we can retrofit it to PHP without any kind of BC.
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
Fleshgrinder wrote on 07/04/2016 18:35:
I would like to change above definition for properties since thevar
deprecation was voted negative:Properties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
var := limited to the current assembly
public := globalI'm not convinced of the value of reusing the keyword in this way. To
me, there is nothing in the term "var" that means "slightly less than
public", and if we want to have package/assembly/whatever visibility, we
should reserve a new keyword for that use.
The original definition was
# Properties
private := limited to the current class
protected := limited to the current and child classes
:= limited to the current assembly
public := global
In other words: same as Java without any modifier. I only changed the
proposal because var is to be kept and the current semantic of it
(implicit public) but not being truly equal motivated me to change the
proposal and to give it a new meaning.
Note that the meaning of var does not change for old classes that are
not using the proposed access/visibility keyword because they are in the
global namespace and thus implicitly public. Hence, the special var
case would finally get a real meaning and would not be an alias anymore.
Meanwhile, it might be worth checking the list archives for previous
discussions of package visibility; I know it has come up a couple of
times recently, in various forms, so it would be good not to repeat the
same points again and again.
I check what I can dig up. :)
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
In other words: same as Java without any modifier. I only changed the
proposal because var is to be kept and the current semantic of it
(implicit public) but not being truly equal motivated me to change the
proposal and to give it a new meaning.
That is hard to decipher, let me rephrase:
The vote to deprecate and drop var was negative:
This means that we are going to keep it with its current semantic:
implicit public. However, var is currently not truly the same as
public as outlined in the RFC above. My proposal would fix that problem.
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
Meanwhile, it might be worth checking the list archives for previous
discussions of package visibility; I know it has come up a couple of
times recently, in various forms, so it would be good not to repeat the
same points again and again.I check what I can dig up. :)
Here we go:
2007-12: Namespace access modifiers
2009-09: New access modifier
Some nice keyword suggestions in this one:
- group
- trusted
- party
2011-03: Class Access Modifiers
2013-02: I would like to write an RFC for the addition of an internal
2014-12: Package private class
2015-11: Internal methods proposal
I am sure that I overlooked something since the search turned up a lot
of stuff. However, the above list already illustrates that such a
feature is often requested and useful. This is further illustrated by
other languages providing similar functionality.
There were various questions raised in the threads above that I would
like and try to answer here.
Can child classes redeclare visibility or override it.
Yes, every class in an inheritance change can open up the visibility as
is already the case for methods in PHP. The reason for that is simple:
namespace Process\Pipes {
public interface Pipes {}
abstract private class AbstractPipes implements Pipes {}
protected final class UnixPipes extends AbstractPipes {}
protected final class WinPipes extends AbstractPipes {}
The UnixPipes and WinPipes classes are useless if they cannot open up
the visibility because they cannot be instantiated from nowhere.
It would still be possible to get an instance of a private class from
the outside, e.g.:namespace Internals { private class Foo {} public class Bar {} public function getFoo() { return new Foo(); } }
Yes and this is intentional. The class visibility modifiers only
restrict the creation of such objects and not the interaction with them
at runtime. Otherwise it would be impossible to implement a public
interface in a private class that is being returned to the client.
public interface Entities extends \IteratorAggregate {}
public interface EntityManager extends Entities {}
private class InMemoryEntities implements EntityManager {}
private class FilesystemEntities implements EntityManager {}
private class MySqlEntities implements EntityManager {}
private class PdoEntities implements EntityManager {}
switch (ENV) {
case PROD:
$entities = new MySqlEntities;
case TEST:
$entities = new InMemoryEntities;
$dic->addService('entities', $entities, [
'alias' => 'entitye_manager',
This is not /good code/ or anything but should illustrate the usefulness
of it. In other words:
It supports the I in SOLID. :)
Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger