I am taking over the RFC class constant visibility rfc from Reeze,
and need the permissions to update it.
Reeze gave the ok on the PR I have on GitHub as a PoC
(It works, but has some test fails and breaks some extensions)
+1 for Karma ...
I am taking over the RFC class constant visibility rfc from Reeze,
and need the permissions to update it.
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class_const_visibilityReeze gave the ok on the PR I have on GitHub as a PoC
(It works, but has some test fails and breaks some extensions)
+1 for Karma ...
I am taking over the RFC class constant visibility rfc from Reeze,
and need the permissions to update it.
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class_const_visibilityReeze gave the ok on the PR I have on GitHub as a PoC
(It works, but has some test fails and breaks some extensions)
hi Sean,
I've granted you with rfc karma, let me know if you need further assistance!
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu