Hello, I tried to register in RFC Wiki but I get the error "That wasn't the
answer we were expecting", but in all cases, I'm David Rodrigues, and I
like to suggest a method to initialize objects by using an object
initializar. Currently it is supported on C# -- read here
Basically, it'll allow you create a new instance of some object and set
your properties directly.
Class example:
class Example {
public $a;
protected $b;
private $c;
private $d;
public function __construct($d) {
$this->d = $d;
// Public scope:
$example = new Example($d);
$example->a = $a;
$example->b = $b; // error, protected
$example->c = $c; // error, private
return $example;
// Protected scope:
$example = new Example($d);
$example->a = $a;
$example->b = $b;
$example->c = $c; // error, private
return $example;
// Private scope:
$example = new Example($d);
$example->a = $a;
$example->b = $b;
$example->c = $c;
return $example;
Using object initializer:
// Public scope:
return new Example($d) {
$a => $a,
$b => $b, // error, protected
$c => $c, // error, private
// Protected scope:
return new Example($d) {
$a => $a,
$b => $b,
$c => $c, // error, private
// Private scope:
return new Example($d) {
$a => $a,
$b => $b,
$c => $c,
// Constructor without required arguments:
return new User {
$name => "John",
$surname => "Doe",
// Object initializer as array:
return new User [
$name => "John",
$surname => "Doe",
Others RFCs:
We have two RFCs about that, one was declined (Automatic Property
Initialization https://wiki.php.net/rfc/automatic_property_initialization),
other in draft (Constructor Argument Promotion
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/constructor-promotion). This second one, I think
that not is too clear what I'm trying to do, just by set visibility
keywords before argument (like __construct(private $name)). And too, it'll
affect all methods parsing, by checking if it is the __construct method,
and if was setted visibility keywords.
In my suggestion, that is similar to C#, it'll be done after the class
initialization, probability less costly to parser. Probably it'll affect
class_name_reference ctor_arguments object_initializer
{ $$ = zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_NEW, $2, $3); }
{ $$ = $2; }
/* empty */
| '{' object_initializer_list '}'
David S. Rodrigues