Hi Alexander,
De : Alexander Lisachenko [mailto:lisachenko.it@gmail.com]
This is built on top of reflection+annotation+parser extension.
Why not to implement this for PHP? From my point of view, this is just an
additional feature, that can be used by limited number of developers.
I like the idea. IMO, DbC directives should be defined outside of function body. I proposed doc blocks because it exists and is already parsed but a generic syntax for annotations along with a full API to interact with extensions would be much better.
Most important : if we define that, for example, everything outside of a class/function enclosed in [], is an annotation, it is easy to enhance PHP 5 to ignore such syntax, without having to backport the whole feature. So, people can start using it for PHP 7 and keep the possibility to run their code under PHP 5. That's something that would be much harder with the current dbc2 proposal.
I will modify my RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/dbc) to open it to any sort of annotations.
Do you think you have enough time to write something in due time ? Ask for help if you need.