I want to help translating the PHP documentation.
For some time I have contributed in PHP translation projects for Symfony2 (https://github.com/andreia/symfony-docs-pt-BR/), DBAL (https://github.com/royopa/dbal-documentation- en_US) and Silex Framework (https://github.com/royopa/silex-documentation-pt_BR) for the language pt_BR.
I also contribute to the translation of DSpace (https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-xmlui-lang) project.
I have attended many events of PHP, including PHP Conference Brazil 2010 and 2011 and PHP Test Fest 2010 and 2014 inclusive I have some tests published in PHP 5.2.
In Sao Paulo, I have participated in events and meetups in order to contribute to the PHP community.
Rodrigo Prado de Jesus
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