there were branches with the names
in our main repository. This was confusing with PHP-5.x which we use. As
those where full merged they were most likely pushed by accident. I have
deleted them from the repo.
Important: To ensure you don't push them by accident please run this
command to delete them from your local clone:
$ git branch -d 5.3 5.4 5.5
Deleted branch 5.3 (was 15b554c).
Deleted branch 5.4 (was bcdac75).
Deleted branch 5.5 (was 4c76215).
In case you committed anything to those branches the operation will fail
and you can preserve those changes.
I have archived those branches under the branch names backup5.[345] on
my github clone:
Important: To ensure you don't push them by accident please run this
command to delete them from your local clone:$ git branch -d 5.3 5.4 5.5
Deleted branch 5.3 (was 15b554c).
Deleted branch 5.4 (was bcdac75).
Deleted branch 5.5 (was 4c76215).
And to ensure you never push garbage by accident, run this to tell git
to always only push the branch you're on when you run git push
git config --global push.default current
Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek - http://nelm.io/jordi
And to ensure you never push garbage by accident, run this to tell git
to always only push the branch you're on when you rungit push
:git config --global push.default current
Good tip. I wasn't aware of that setting. Mind that we have multiple
active branches we typically push to in one go, so using the default and
being clear about ones tracking branches can be comfortable, too, and
avoid forgetting to properly push to all branches.
So each approach has benefits and downsides ... and well as I'm the only
one who currently can do forced pushes (I think) neither approach will
cause actual trouble ;-) (if it becomes bad, which I don't expect, we
can add restrictions to the server, too)
Probably the best is to do a push --dry-run to check and getting used to
manually specify branches i.e.
git push origin PHP-5.4 PHP-5.5 master
And to ensure you never push garbage by accident, run this to tell git
to always only push the branch you're on when you rungit push
:git config --global push.default current
Good tip. I wasn't aware of that setting. Mind that we have multiple
active branches we typically push to in one go, so using the default and
being clear about ones tracking branches can be comfortable, too, and
avoid forgetting to properly push to all branches.So each approach has benefits and downsides ... and well as I'm the only
one who currently can do forced pushes (I think) neither approach will
cause actual trouble ;-) (if it becomes bad, which I don't expect, we can
add restrictions to the server, too)Probably the best is to do a push --dry-run to check and getting used to
manually specify branches i.e. git push origin PHP-5.4 PHP-5.5 masterjohannes
Exactly, I usually do just 'git push origin' while being on master, so if
there's some stuff merged up from PHP-5.4 (or PHP-5.3 earlier), it
automatically goes with. The experimental branches will not be pushed with
this until one explicitly tells like 'git push origin my_experiment'.
Using that current setting would disable the automatic.