(replying from a dedicated php@ email address that I've wanted to make for
a while but never got around to doing)
Introduce myself...
Hi. I'm Damian. I'm on the US west coast, been using PHP for many years
despite forays into C#/.NET, and am employed as a web developer. I spend
most of my time online on forums like forums.devshed.com,
forums.devnetwork.net, and forums.phpfreaks.com as "requinix".
I also lurk the PHP bug tracker, generally looking for bugs that aren't
bugs. I'm trying to get back into submitting patches to the documentation
like I used to do more often. Sometimes I read through the source if I have
an unusual or difficult question to answer, or if I'm bored. I also have a
few user comments in the docs under the email "uramihsayibok, gmail, com".
As for the support forum... yeah, I try to keep explanations as brief as I
can, but if it looks too long or involved I will give them the "this isn't
the place to get help" spiel. I intend to grab a blog or something so I can
vent my longer replies somewhere safe.