Hello there,
I was searching for a structured list of PHP releases and I found this site:
It is possible to get a serialized array with ?serialize=1, but I only
get 3 releases (latest 5.X, latest 4.X and latest 3.X), not all. The
parameter &max=Y does not provide the correct amount of releases.
Maybe it's easy to fix?
Maybe it's easy to add JSON output? (I'm not a fan of unserializing
unknown input)
Visualisation of PHP release dates: http://phpreleasedates.phpgangsta.de/
I used dates from the tar.gz files I found in the museum, are there
better sources with release dates for version 1.x, 2.x and 3.x?
Hello there,
I was searching for a structured list of PHP releases and I found this
http://php.net/releases/index.**php http://php.net/releases/index.phpIt is possible to get a serialized array with ?serialize=1, but I only get
3 releases (latest 5.X, latest 4.X and latest 3.X), not all. The parameter
&max=Y does not provide the correct amount of releases.Maybe it's easy to fix?
Maybe it's easy to add JSON output? (I'm not a fan of unserializing
unknown input)Visualisation of PHP release dates: http://phpreleasedates.**
phpgangsta.de/ http://phpreleasedates.phpgangsta.de/
I used dates from the tar.gz files I found in the museum, are there better
sources with release dates for version 1.x, 2.x and 3.x?
I don't know that it is a bug or not, but max=Y is working if you only
request the releases for a specific major version:
http://www.php.net/releases/index.php?serialize=1&version=4&max=-1 //
http://www.php.net/releases/index.php?serialize=1&version=3&max=-1 // it
seems that we don't have a complete list for php 3 releases
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu