Hi, folks:
Recently I have been trying to fix bugs on bugs.php.net. I've been looking at the bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61655.
for short: after convert a stdClass with a property with number name to array can't be access anymore.
after some code searching, I found that. class property lookup differs from array's. when convert the
internal HashTable won't be touched. class property always lookup by string, but array will try to handle
numeric(@see Zend/zend_hash.h:307 ZEND_HANDLE_NUMERIC macro).
I don't know whether this has been discussed before, if so forgive me please.
now PHP allow to access property with this syntax: $obj->{$expr} $expr can be anything. PHP
didn't try to validate whether it is a valid label or not. the only problem is we can't access it directly
like: $expr = '007gun'; $obj->{$expr} = 10; echo $obj->007gun; It's not a big problem, we can still access
it with the same syntax. but after convert to array, we got problem.
On the contrary array to object conversion have the same problem:
$ar = array(0 => "value", "000invlidlabel" => "2", key" => "value2");
$obj = (object)$ar;
$obj->0 will never be accessible, "000invilidlabel" can be access, but can't use normal property access syntax.
I know PHP make use of HashTable a lot, maybe because of performance concern or historical reason.
but we always want to be better.
In my opinion:
- I see no reason why user will set an invalid label as property name. because It can be access with $obj->{$expr} only or sometime can never been accessed.
- for the same reason array to object should at least let developer know something they may not want to happen did happened.
so I make some change:
- set a property name should be valid label(__set magic method also follow it)
- raise warning and move invlid property names to a special property when convert a array contains invlid key name to stdClass.
I just want to make things more consist, or maybe we just make sure numeric keys works consist since php is so flexible.
Any thoughts?
BTW: I sent bugfix for bug#61347 ArrayIterator misrewind and gives misleading notice when manipulating empty/moved to end array
https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/38 thanks @nikic & @cataphract's great suggestions, will someone take a look, do I still have to improve it?
Thank you!
reeze | reeze.cn