Good afternoon. I would like to create an RFC on the implementation of the
NOT null assertion operator. Do you think it makes sense to create it? I
was able to implement the operator. I've already posted a draft in my
github -
An example of the implementation of this operator can be viewed in kotlin
or in typescript. The point of it is that in places where we did not expect
null, we should not make additional checks, but use this operator. It will
also be convenient for highlighting in the IDE.
Hi Mihail
Thanks for your proposal.
Good afternoon. I would like to create an RFC on the implementation of the NOT null assertion operator. Do you think it makes sense to create it? I was able to implement the operator. I've already posted a draft in my github -
An example of the implementation of this operator can be viewed in kotlin or in typescript. The point of it is that in places where we did not expect null, we should not make additional checks, but use this operator. It will also be convenient for highlighting in the IDE.
First off, it would be useful if you show some examples in your
proposals. Especially for people who don't know Kotlin, it's not clear
how such a feature would work. Looking at your patch, you're
introducing the !-> operator, which presumably would error on
(null)!->foo. A few thoughts:
- This approach/patch seems unnecessarily limiting and complex. it
would be easier to create a postfix operator ! that works on all
expressions, and simply errors if null. This won't require much
special handling in the engine. It would also allow you to do
foo($bar!). TBH, this seems most useful for static analysis, but
assert($bar) will do there too, so I'm not particularly convinced we
need such a feature. - Especially in the case of property access on null, it would be worth
considering whether we ever want to make this error by default, which
seems like the general trajectory PHP has been taking. This is
currently a warning (since PHP 8, and a notice since 5.0). If we rule
that out, the feature might make more sense.
Thank you for your answer. Now I will give examples for better
Simple examples from Typescript:
let foo = ...
Examples of potentially using in PHP:
Without this operator we writing this code:
$foo = ...
if ($foo === null) {
throw new FooIsNullException();
With this operator:
I think the postfix operator would be illogical in PHP because my operator
is similar to the existing nullsafe operator in syntax. And it would be
strange if its syntax were different.
Or we can implement both operator syntaxes: prefix for accessing
properties, and postfix for use with variables, as in your example.
Not null assertion:
If variable bar would be null - php will throw an exception. But now i dont
know which exception it would be :)
This operator will be useful in cases where a null value in a specific
place will violate the domain logic. Usually we write either assertions or
checks and throw our exceptions for this. But it seems to me that the not
null assertion operator will help avoid writing unnecessary code. The
problem, of course, will be catching errors. It is not clear how to catch
errors by a specific value. I will think about it.
ср, 5 февр. 2025 г. в 17:09, Ilija Tovilo
Hi Mihail
Thanks for your proposal.
Good afternoon. I would like to create an RFC on the implementation of
the NOT null assertion operator. Do you think it makes sense to create it?
I was able to implement the operator. I've already posted a draft in my
github -
An example of the implementation of this operator can be viewed in
kotlin or in typescript. The point of it is that in places where we did not
expect null, we should not make additional checks, but use this operator.
It will also be convenient for highlighting in the IDE.First off, it would be useful if you show some examples in your
proposals. Especially for people who don't know Kotlin, it's not clear
how such a feature would work. Looking at your patch, you're
introducing the !-> operator, which presumably would error on
(null)!->foo. A few thoughts:
- This approach/patch seems unnecessarily limiting and complex. it
would be easier to create a postfix operator ! that works on all
expressions, and simply errors if null. This won't require much
special handling in the engine. It would also allow you to do
foo($bar!). TBH, this seems most useful for static analysis, but
assert($bar) will do there too, so I'm not particularly convinced we
need such a feature.- Especially in the case of property access on null, it would be worth
considering whether we ever want to make this error by default, which
seems like the general trajectory PHP has been taking. This is
currently a warning (since PHP 8, and a notice since 5.0). If we rule
that out, the feature might make more sense.Ilija
Hi Mihail
Examples of potentially using in PHP:
Without this operator we writing this code:$foo!->bar
$foo!->someProperty->anotherProperty!->method();I think the postfix operator would be illogical in PHP because my operator
is similar to the existing nullsafe operator in syntax. And it would be
strange if its syntax were different.
Or we can implement both operator syntaxes: prefix for accessing
properties, and postfix for use with variables, as in your example.Nullsafe:
Not null assertion:
With a postfix operator this would all work automatically, assuming
that $foo!->bar can be parsed correctly as ($foo!)->bar. The, $foo!
will check that $foo is not null, and if not, access the property bar
on it.
This operator will be useful in cases where a null value in a specific
place will violate the domain logic. Usually we write either assertions or
checks and throw our exceptions for this. But it seems to me that the not
null assertion operator will help avoid writing unnecessary code. The
problem, of course, will be catching errors. It is not clear how to catch
errors by a specific value. I will think about it.
I think, if such an operator were introduced, it should throw an Error
rather than an Exception. Errors should generally not be caught, as
they indicate logical errors in your program.
There are two things to consider:
- Is assert($foo !== null); $foo->bar; really much worse? I understand
it requires two statements, so it cannot be used in all contexts. - Are we ever going to promote the (null)->prop warning to an Error?
If so, is there still any appeal for this feature? E.g. it would
automatically work on array access ($array!['foo']). Array access on
null may be more controversial to promote to an Error. There are some
other potential contexts, like foo($bar!), but you could argue this is
already covered by parameter types.
- Is assert($foo !== null); $foo->bar; really much worse? I understand
it requires two statements, so it cannot be used in all contexts.
In my opinion, it is better, because you can completely disable the
assertion checking in production.
- Are we ever going to promote the (null)->prop warning to an Error?
If so, is there still any appeal for this feature?
I would rather avoid having ?->, !-> (or postfix !, which can easily be
confused with prefix !), and regular ->. This is one to much. I'm fine
with throwing on (null)->prop, but I'm also fine leaving this for static
Thank you for your answer. Now I will give examples for better
understanding.Simple examples from Typescript:
let foo = ...
foo!.someProperty.baz()Examples of potentially using in PHP:
Without this operator we writing this code:$foo = ...
if ($foo === null) {
throw new FooIsNullException();
With this operator:
$foo!->someProperty->anotherProperty!->method();I think the postfix operator would be illogical in PHP because my operator
is similar to the existing nullsafe operator in syntax. And it would be
strange if its syntax were different.
Or we can implement both operator syntaxes: prefix for accessing
properties, and postfix for use with variables, as in your example.
I am struggling to see the point of this in PHP. We don't have a compile-time check for that kind of null the way Kotlin or TypeScript do. At runtime, it would already throw a value I cannot control. With this... it would throw a value I cannot control.
How is this a win?
--Larry Garfield