According to https://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php
To get a backtrace with correct information you must have PHP
configured with --enable-debug!
This seems wrong.
Of course you can use GDB against any build of PHP
Result: for some time, I noticed people asking about issues
in debug build, when they don't need such build.
IMHO, debug builds are for PHP and extensions developers
as this mode add more checks (assert) but is not suitable
for other usages.
Le 11/09/2023 à 09:20, Remi Collet a écrit :
According to https://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php
To get a backtrace with correct information you must have PHP
configured with --enable-debug!
Perhaps a better wording is
To get a backtrace with correct information you must have
a non stripped PHP binary