Hi all,
Hope I'm in the right place, I was reading
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto and I found a broken reference,
the link to the explanation of the "bottom post" in first step
redirects to this page:
I don't know what is correct page, i can't find it.
Regards, Willian.
Hope I'm in the right place, I was reading
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto and I found a broken reference,
the link to the explanation of the "bottom post" in first step
redirects to this page:
https://www.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=reST%2FREADME.MAILINGLIST_RULES&lang=en&scope=404quickrefI don't know what is correct page, i can't find it.
I've updated the link. Thanks for reporting the issue.
Christoph M. Becker