Hi !
I recently submitted this bug:
I am writing to the list in the hope that I can find someone willing to
look into it. I might be willing to pay money in order to get this bug
For a detailed description of the bug, please see the link above.
I have spent a couple of nights trying to solve the problem myself -
However, my knowledge of the ZendEngine is very limited so the effort
has been to no avail thus far.
Could anyone please look into this bug - or maybe just give me some
pointers on how to proceed ?
I would be willing to help in any way possible.
Thus far, the problem seems to be "conflicting" zend_persistent_script
*bcgen_compile_file(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int type) in
zend_op_array *phar_compile_file(zend_file_handle *file_handle, inttype)
in /ext/phar/phar.c
but for details - please see the bug.
Thanks in advance !
Best regards,
Henrik Skov
Secuno A/S