If you really believe you are proposing something meaningful, here 1 is a
guide for you to make some changes in php kernel. However I don't think you
can win the vote since the response is bad so far.
CHU Zhaowei
发件人: Steven Penny svnpenn@gmail.com
发送时间: 2019年3月3日 21:53
收件人: internals@lists.php.net
主题: Re: [PHP-DEV] print with newline
Jokes aside, this is so trivially achievable in userland that there is
no justification whatever for an internal function or functions, or
constructs, or opcodes.
if thats the case we better go ahead and remove these in favor of
- bindec
- decbin
- dechex
- decoct
- hexdec
- octdec
as they are so trivially achievable in userland that there is no
justification whatever for an internal function or functions, or constructs,
or opcodes.
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