Hi Joe,
Morning all,
The vote for weakrefs is open: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/weakrefs
Just posting to clarify on my "No" vote: I am generally against having more
features that (by design) introduce spooky action as a distance behavior,
especially on references.
The fact that this might be useful for tools like doctrine/orm is (in this
specific example) mostly because Doctrine\ORM has a very leaky design
concept (UnitOfWork) at its core, and most folks don't want to micro-manage
it, but would rather defer memory management to the engine.
While it is true that weakrefs introduce a technical solution for those
folks, they also open pandora's box when it comes to managing in-memory
state, and yet another code location to constantly monitor with the
debugger, which is something that I'm not looking forward to.
Marco Pivetta
Am 26.02.2019 um 21:37 schrieb Marco Pivetta:
Just posting to clarify on my "No" vote: I am generally against having more
features that (by design) introduce spooky action as a distance behavior,
especially on references.
I voted "No" for similar reasons.