I was reading https://wiki.php.net/rfc/named_params again. Named args would
be great for 8.x.
Following https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_7_4, would it make
sense to deprecate calling call_user_func_array
with associative arrays,
so that it can be made to work with named args in 8.0? Another option would
be to deprecate call_user_func_array
altogether and recommend using the
splat operator instead. WDYT?
The named params RFC also tells about "Signature validation allows changing
parameter names", adding a requirement to keep the same parameter name in
child classes. Should this requirement be added to 7.4 with a deprecation
Are there other things we should deprecate to make room for named args?
Just throwing the ideas so we don't forget considering them, thanks for