Opening PHP's #internals mailing list to the outside.


Search results

Request for RFC karma
2 months ago by Dennis Snell
PHP 8.3.11RC1 Ready for testing
2 months ago by Jakub Zelenka
PHP 8.2.23RC1 Ready for testing
2 months ago by Sergey Panteleev
Archive php/pftt2?
2 months ago by Christoph M. Becker
Require C11 in PHP 8.4
2 months ago by Ilija Tovilo
Updates needed to various RFCs
2 months ago by Juliette Reinders Folmer
Anyone willing to help out 3v4l ?
2 months ago by Juliette Reinders Folmer
PDO_Firebird: use C++?
2 months ago by Christoph M. Becker
2 months ago by Peter Hodur
[RFC][VOTE] Lazy Objects
2 months ago by Nicolas Grekas