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Given the improvements > to the language, the accessor methods offer zero benefit at all. > Public-read properties (readonly or otherwise) would be faster and offer = no > less of a guarantee. If you want to allow someone to extend the class an= d > provide some custom logic, use aviz instead of readonly and extenders can > use hooks instead of the methods. The getters don't offer any value > anymore. > Yes, I knew you wouldn't like my traditional style with private properties + getters... :) So let me try to answer your suggestions: first of all, I believe the readonly class modifier serves its purpose, and I definitely want to keep it because it can ensure that all URI instances are immutable. That's why I cannot use property hooks, since they are incompatible with readonly. So only the possibility of using asymmetric visibility remains: however, since extenders still cannot hook them, this idea should also be rejected. Otherwise, I would consider using readonly with public read, although I believe traditional methods are better suited for overriding (easier syntax, decades of experience) than property hooks (my 2cents). > It took me a while to realize that, I think, the fromWhatWg() method is > using an in/out parameter for error handling. That is an insta-no on my > part. in/out reference parameters make sense in C, maybe C++, and > basically nowhere else. I view them as a code smell everywhere they're > used in PHP. Better alternatives include exceptions or union returns. > Yes, originally the RFC used a reference parameter to return the error during parsing. I knew it was controversial, but that's what was a consistent choice with other internal functions/methods. After your feedback, I changed this behavior to an union type return type: public static function parse(string $uri, ?string $baseUrl =3D null): static|array {} So that in case of failure, an array of Uri\WhatWgError objects are returned. This practice is not really idiomatic with PHP, so personally I'm not sure I like it, but neither did I particularly like passing a parameter by reference... > It looks like you've removed the with*() methods. Why? That means it > cannot be used as a builder mechanism, which is plenty valuable. (Though > could be an issue with query as a string vs array.) > > As I answered to Dennis, they were reclaimed in the meanwhile. The WhatWgError looks to me like it's begging to be an Enum. > It's probably not that visible at the first glance, but Uri\WhatWgError has 2 properties: an error code, and a position, so it's not feasible to make it an enum. I'd however create a separate Uri\WhatWgErrorCode enum containing all the error codes, so that the class constants could be removed from Uri\WhatWgError, but I felt it's overengineering so I decided not to do this. Regards, M=C3=A1t=C3=A9 --000000000000c676e40627ae9f0a Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Larry,

I do have concerns about the class design, though.=C2=A0 Given the improvem= ents to the language, the accessor methods offer zero benefit at all.=C2=A0= Public-read properties (readonly or otherwise) would be faster and offer n= o less of a guarantee.=C2=A0 If you want to allow someone to extend the cla= ss and provide some custom logic, use aviz instead of readonly and extender= s can use hooks instead of the methods.=C2=A0 The getters don't offer a= ny value anymore.

Yes, I knew you would= n't like my traditional style with private properties + getters... :) S= o let me try to answer your suggestions: first of all, I believe the readon= ly class modifier serves=C2=A0its purpose, and I definitely want to keep it= because it can ensure that all URI instances are=C2=A0immutable. That'= s why I cannot use property hooks,=C2=A0since they are incompatible with re= adonly. So only the possibility of using asymmetric visibility remains: how= ever, since extenders still cannot hook them, this idea should also be reje= cted. Otherwise, I would consider using readonly with public read, although= I believe traditional methods are better suited for overriding (easier syn= tax, decades of experience) than property hooks (my 2cents).


It took me a while to realize that, I think, the fromWhatWg() method is usi= ng an in/out parameter for error handling.=C2=A0 That is an insta-no on my = part.=C2=A0 in/out reference parameters make sense in C, maybe C++, and bas= ically nowhere else.=C2=A0 I view them as a code smell everywhere they'= re used in PHP.=C2=A0 Better alternatives include exceptions or union retur= ns.

Yes, originally the RFC used a refe= rence parameter to return the error during parsing. I knew it was controver= sial, but that's what was a consistent choice with other internal funct= ions/methods.
After your feedback, I changed this behavior to an = union type return type:

public static function par= se(string $uri, ?string $baseUrl =3D null): static|array {}
<= br>
So that in case of failure, an array of Uri\WhatWgError objec= ts are returned. This practice is not really idiomatic with PHP, so persona= lly I'm not sure I like it, but neither did I particularly like=C2=A0pa= ssing a parameter by reference...

It looks like you've removed the with*() methods.=C2=A0 Why?=C2=A0 That= means it cannot be used as a builder mechanism, which is plenty valuable.= =C2=A0 (Though could be an issue with query as a string vs array.)

As I answered to Dennis, they were rec= laimed in the meanwhile.

The WhatWgError looks to me like it's begging to be an Enum.

It's probably not that visible at the first g= lance, but Uri\WhatWgError has 2 pro= perties: an error code, and a position, so it's not feasible to make it= an enum. I'd however create a separate=C2=A0Uri\WhatW= gErrorCode enum containing all the error codes, so that the class constants= could be removed from=C2=A0U= ri\WhatWgError, but I felt it= 's overengineering=C2=A0so I decided not to do this.
= =C2=A0