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What "reason for it" did y= ou understand? When you say projects accounted for it, do you mean they got= some benefit from it, or that they worked around the problems it caused th= em? >There is indeed nothing wrong with the listed behaviours IMO, as they mak= e sense for how the current logic is working, and aren=E2=80=99t a deal bre= aker for preloading=2E This seems to be entirely circular - "the current behaviour makes sense fo= r the current behaviour"=2E >In fact preloading in a way behaves as if you included the preload file b= efore including the entry point Note that we are not talking about preloading, as a general concept; we ar= e talking about the specific function opcache_compile_file=2E That function= 's explicit purpose is to prime the opcache *without* behaving the same way= as including the file=2E=20 > functions cannot be declared twice, and already-declared classes are not= autoloaded again Finally, we seem to get to the use case you are actually advocating: preco= mpiling classes but using an autoloader to actually declare them; but fully= pre-declaring functions, because there's no autoloader for them=2E That certainly makes sense as a distinction, but I then wonder why you wou= ld use opcache_compile_file for declaring those functions, rather than a no= rmal include=2E Since you can't include the file a second time either way, = is there any way to make use of the difference? > it might be a nice idea to simply ignore the redeclaration of functions = (like for classes), instead of not preloading them at all=2E There is nothing that ignores the redeclaration of classes; they are not d= eclared when pre-compiling, and can be declared exactly once by passing inc= lude/require the pre-compiled file=2E Making functions match that behaviour= is what Ilija is proposing=2E Rowan Tommins [IMSoP]