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Kotlin has something= similar. But I can see the benefit of it for all classes, even service= classes, not just records. (In Kotlin, it's used for service classes a= ll the time.) > > What visibility would you expect for inline constructor properties in=20 > service classes? Good question. If we follow Kotlin's lead[1] (Kotlin has like 3-4 diffe= rent places to do constructor-ish logic, it's kinda weird), then they'd = default to public, but you can optionally specify a visibility. So, the = same as any other property. They do not imply readonly, but Kotlin has = per-arg val/var markers on everything anyway to handle that. [1] >> I would far prefer assembling record-ish behavior myself, using the s= maller parts above. Eg: >>=20 >> final readonly data class Point(int $x, int $y); >>=20 >> "final" prevents extension. "readonly" makes it immutable. "data" g= ives it value-passing semantics. Any class can use an inline constructo= r. "with" is designed to work automatically on all objects. Boom, I've= just assembled a Record out of its constituent parts, which also makes = it easier for others to learn what I'm doing, because the features opted= -in to are explicit, not implicit. > > It opens a bunch of concerns, questions like why would you use "data"=20 > keyword without having "final"? > Although I like the "data" keyword very much.=20 To borrow a little syntax from Kotlin again, and randomly spitball: data class Rectangle(int $h, int $w) { public int $area { get =3D> $this->h * $this->w; } } data class Square(int $side) extends Rectangle($side, $side); (That calls the constructor of Rectangle with the provided values.) I'm generally not in favor of final-by-default. final has its place, cer= tainly, but I am firmly on team "no, you should not be making every clas= s final by default, that's just silly." Another thing to consider is ADTs. (cf unions, though the text there is quite old and out dated at this point; = do not take literally.) The intent for enum cases with associated data = was that you would specify properties and types, and those would be publ= ic-readonly-enforced. That's the only option. Ilija also had plans (and= I think implementation, but I'm not sure) for reusing instances with ma= tching properties so they would point to the same object in memory, maki= ng =3D=3D=3D work. So: enum Move { case Left(int $distance); case Right(int $distance); } $step1 =3D Move::Left(5); $step2 =3D Move::Left(5); $step1 =3D=3D=3D $step2; // true That sounds somewhat similar to the restrictions proposed for Records, t= hough in context I think they make more sense on enums. I can see there= being overlap, though, so I mention it here for completeness. I'm not = sure how this all dovetails together. To reiterate, my main issue with the Records concept is that it couples = too many features together into an all-or-nothing package. readonly did= that with only 2 features, and it caused Ilija and I a lot of heartburn= and helped keep aviz from passing in 8.3. Records would couple 4 featu= res together. Once bitten, twice as cautious. --Larry Garfield