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I've been working on another RFC calle= d=20 > "Typed Aliases" ( It is very=20 > much a draft and in-flux, and I've already worked out the technical=20 > mechanics of it ... however, I am very unhappy with the syntax, and=20 > while I have a few ideas about that; I assume this list will be much=20 > better at it than me. So, please bring your brushes and paint; I=20 > brought a bikeshed. > > If you haven't read it already, here's the TL;DR: > > - This RFC expands the "use ... as ..." syntax to allow any type=20 > expression on the left side. These aliases are PER FILE and expire onc= e=20 > the file is compiled. > > - This RFC also adds the ability for an alias to survive a file=20 > (currently using the "as alias" syntax that I don't like) which=20 > actually just creates a special kind of class. When this special class=20 > is encountered during type-checking, the alias is expanded and checked= .=20 > It also allows this via a "type_alias()" function instead of the "use=20 > ... as alias ..." syntax. > > How it works: > > use string as alias MyString > > gets virtually compiled into a special class that would look something=20 > like this to ReflectionClass (as it is currently): > > class MyString extends PrimitiveAlias {=20 > const PrimitiveType aliasOf =3D PrimitiveType::string; > } > > - Reflection is a bit weird here, and I'm not exactly happy with it;=20 > but I'm curious what the list thinks. I'm open to virtually anything=20 > that makes sense here; including not allowing ReflectionClass on the=20 > type aliases at all. > > - Since these are "technically" classes, I went with just "use"-ing=20 > them like normal classes. Originally, I had something different: "use=20 > alias ..." (like "use function ...") to make it more clear. I will=20 > probably go back to this, but I'm curious what others think. > > I'm going to take a step back and listen/answer questions. But please,=20 > grab a brush and paint. > > =E2=80=94 Rob Hi Rob. First of all, I'm very much in favor of type aliases generally, so thank= you for taking a swing at this. Second, it looks like you've run into the main design issue that has alw= ays prevented them in the past: Should aliases be file-local and thus no= t reusable, or global and thus we need to figure out autoloading for the= m? It looks like your answer to that question at the moment is "yes". := -) While I can see the appeal, I don't think that's the best approach. = Or rather, if we go that route, they shouldn't be quite so similar synt= actically. There seems to be two different implementations living in the same RFC, = uncomfortably. In one, it's a compiler-time replacement. In the other,= it's a special class-like. But the RFC seems to go back and forth on w= hat happens in which case, and I'm not sure which is which. However, you have demonstrated a working class-like for it, which is fra= nkly the biggest hurdle. So I think the direction has promise, but shou= ld be adjusted to go all-in on that approach. To wit: typealias Stringy: string|Stringable; typealias UserID: Int; typealias TIme: Hour|Minute|Second; typealias FilterCallback: callable(mixed $a): bool; (eventually...) (etc.) Each of those produces a class-like, which can therefore be autoloaded l= ike a class. The syntax is also a bit closer to a class (or an Enum, I = suppose), so it's much more self-evident that they are defining a reusab= le thing (whereas "use" does not do that currently). And the syntax is = not stringy, like the proposed type_alias(), so it's easier to write. I= wouldn't even include type_alias() at that point. It exists at runtime= , so reflection is meaningful. Aliases can then be used only in parameter, return, property, and instan= ceof types. Extends and implements are out of scope entirely. (Whether the keyword is typealias or typedef, uses : or =3D, or whatever= , is its own bikeshed I won't dive into at the moment.) Then, as a separate, entirely optional, maybe even separate RFC (or seco= nd vote, or whatever), we have a `use string|Stringable as Stringy` synt= ax. Like all other `use` declarations, these are compile-time only, sin= gle-file only, and do not exist at runtime, so no reflection. They comp= ile away just like all other use-statements now. I'm not personally convinced the second is really necessary if we do a g= ood enough job on the first, but I'd probably not stand in the way of ha= ving both. Having typealias/typedef as a class-like also opens up some interesting = potential in the future, because classes have all sorts of other things = they do, but that is probably too complex scope creepy to get into here = so I will not go further than that mention. I suspect there's also other edge case bits to worry about, particularly= if trying to combine a complex alias with a complex type, which could l= ead to violating the DNF rule. For example: typealias Foo: (Bar&Baz)|Beep; use (Bar&Baz)|Beep as Foo; function narf(Foo&Stringable $s) {} With the compile time approach, that would expand to `(Bar&Baz)|Beep&Str= ingable`, which is not a valid type def. With the runtime approach, I don't know if that could be handled gracefu= lly or if it would still cause an error. I'm not sure what the right solution is on this one, just pointing it ou= t as a thing to resolve. --Larry Garfield