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The performance impac= t is huge to reallocate on every request (mostly due to the global mutex du= ring allocation). Is anyone familiar with this and could help reviewing the= changes there? I suppose you already looked, but if not, maybe it gives you some direction= (s). The key part is kind of documented here: 9/TSRM/TSRM.c#L417 tsrm knows nothing about requests but only threads.Its jobs are about threads data. A good start (surely already looked) are apache and litespeed (or embed) for php8, however besides the API names change, the behavior or goals of each ts_ or tsrm_ functions remain the same as what we had with 5.x. One with a very similar modus operandi than Franken was ISAPI for IIS. Mind the names changes, dapt to php8's new names (and some behaviors) but the basics and core flows have been kept. If you know (~) how many threads franken is going to need, tsrm allows you to preallocate the rsc slots using tsrm_startup_ex. It uses tsrm_startup, a more powerful version, which lets franken define how many rsc per thread will be preallocated. I suppose that could help a bit performance wise: 9/main/main.c#L2716C13-L2716C25 As per the last question, about when to free them: tsrm_shutdown (franken shutdown) will free all rsc When a thread is detached (franken kills it for example), ts_free_thread needs to be called to kill its rsc. They will be freed anyway too but good to be clean. The tsrm resource management will also automatically purge orphan rsrc (f.e. when a thread dies unexpectedly and ts_free_thread could not be called). Long story short, the TSRM API is very flexible, how and when you alloc/free rsrc is basically up to you. It is possible to keep some around in the root thread (and be used in other threads, given the root thread id is known (can be 0 or else depending how franken managed them. I hope it helps and did not say too many outdated/wrong explanations :). Btw, Welting rewrote that part with Dmitry back then to fix long standing issues (and drop TSRM_LS/DC/CC uses), not sure if he is still around but he may help. Best, -- Pierre @pierrejoye |