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Since the last time this came up, PSR-12 has been replaced with PER-CS, which as of 2.0 now says: > If a function or method contains no statements or comments (such as an empty no-op implementation or when using constructor property promotion), then the body SHOULD be abbreviated as {} and placed on the same line as the previous symbol, separated by a space. cf: (I... suppose technically it doesn't mention classes, but I've been doing it for empty classes too.) So the "coding style" part of the previous issue has been resolved. Whether that changes anyone's mind about whether this should be done or not is up to them to decide. Personally, I'd probably vote for it if it came up, but I agree it's a pretty minor improvement and unlikely to pass. It would probably only be worth doing if there were other common-pattern-optimizations around the constructor that came with it. Things like auto-forwarding to the parent, or a more compact syntax than a full constructor method, or other things that make writing a "pure data" product type easier rather than just s/{}/;/ I don't know what those could look like. As a data point, in Kotlin (which is what my day job is now), constructor properties are always promoted, essentially. class Foo(val a: String, val b: String) { // This is the equivalent of PHP's promoted properties. val c: Int = 5 // A non-constructor-initialized property. These can have hooks, constructor ones I think cannot. init { // This is the non-promoted part of a constructor body, and runs after the properties are assigned. } } In case of inheritance, there's dedicated required syntax for forwarding to the parent: class Foo(val a: String, val b: String) : Bar(b) { // equivalent to parent::__construct($b) } You can also make the constructor private (etc.) with more explicitness: class Foo private constructor(val a: String, val b: String) {} Of note, if there's no constructor then the parens are omitted, and if there's no body then the {} body is omitted. That means a great many "value objects"/DTOs, etc just look like this: class Foo( val a: String, val b: String, ) Which would be equivalent to PHP's class Foo { public function __construct( public readonly string $a, public readonly string $b. ) {} } cf: To be clear, I'm not suggesting PHP just copy Kotlin directly. I'm saying that if we want to improve the constructor syntax for common cases, which I am open to, we should be looking to do something more substantial and ergonomic than just replacing {} with ;, and we could probably get some good inspiration from other languages in our family. (Java, Kotlin, C#, Swift, etc.) --Larry Garfield