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As far as I=20 > can tell, the results > were very promising, so I'm ok to include this into my proposal (I=20 > haven't pushed my > changes yet and haven't updated the RFC yet). > > Regarding the reference resolution=20 > ( > feature which has also already been asked for, I'm genuinely wondering=20 > what the use-case is? > But in any case, I'm fine with incorporating this as well into the RFC= ,=20 > since apparently > both Lexbor and uriparser support this (naturally). > > What I became puzzled about is the correct object structure and naming= .=20 > Now that uriparser > which can deal with URIs came into the picture, while Lexbor can parse=20 > URLs, I don't > know if it's a good idea to have a dedicated URI and a URL class=20 > extending the former one... > If it is, then in my opinion, the logical behavior would be that Lexbo= r=20 > always instantiates URL > classes, while uriparser would have to decide if the passed-in URI is=20 > actually an URL, and > choose the instantiated class based on this factor... But in this case=20 > the differences between > the RFC 3986 and WHATWG specifications couldn't be spelled out, since=20 > URL objects > could hold URLs parsed based on both specs (and therefore having a=20 > unified interface is required). > > Or rather we should have a separate URI and a WhatwgUrl class so that=20 > the former one would > always be created by uriparser, while the latter one by Lexbor? This=20 > way we could have a dedicated > object interface for both standards (e.g. the RFC 3986 related one=20 > could have a getUserInfo() method, > while the WHATWG related one could have both getUser() and=20 > getPassword() methods). But then > the question is how interchangeable these classes should be? I.e.=20 > should we be able to convert them > back and forth, or should there be an interface that is implemented by=20 > the two classes? > > I'd appreciate any suggestions regarding these questions. > > P.S. due to its bad receptance, I got rid of the UrlParser class as=20 > well as the UrlComponent enum from my > implementation in the meantime. > > Regards, > M=C3=A1t=C3=A9 I apologize if I missed this up-thread somewhere, but what precisely are= the differences between URI and URL? My understanding was that URL is = a subset of URI (all URLs are URIs, but not all URIs are URLs). You're = saying they're slightly disjoint sets? Can you give some concrete examp= les of where the parsing rules would produce different results? That ma= y give us a better sense of what the logic should be. --Larry Garfield