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As mentioned in > the PR, my main concern is honestly quite a small one: I think > `Appendable::append` ought to be renamed. Maybe `Appendable` and > `FetchAppendable` too. > > The reason is that `append` is a common operation on a container type, > which is likely to want to implement these interfaces. I easily > identified a few such things with a quick GitHub search: > 1. > > 2. > > > Given that I anticipate these methods to largely be called by > handlers, and not by names, I think an easy solution is to just name > this `offsetAppend` to match the other offset operations. For example, > I don't anticipate code doing: > > $container->append($item); > > I expect largely they will do: > > $container[] = $item; > > So it doesn't really matter if the name is `append` or `offsetAppend` > for the main use-case, and thereby we avoid some road bumps on > adoption. Any SPL containers with `append`, such as ArrayObject, can > make it an alias of `offsetAppend`, I think? > > Anyway, this is a minor thing, and I will vote yes regardless of > whether it (and maybe the *Appendable interface names) are changed. > But I do think it would be prudent to change it. It would also match > the `offset*` convention of the other interfaces. Based on my research into collections with Derick, I agree that "append" is not a good name to claim for this interface; it would make it incompatible with standard collection method naming. offsetAppend() would neatly side-step that issue. +1 to what Levi said. As to my limited response so far, it's mostly because I read through the proposal in detail a few months ago when it was first informally put forward and liked it then, and it seems there haven't been any serious changes since for me to comment on. I am very much in favor, though. --Larry Garfield