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This is what I believe as well. FWIW I was able to reproduce the issue outside of PHP [2]. I've reported the bug to Apple, but I don't expect it to be fixed quickly, if at all. > That being said, the > biggest issue between changing these clocks is that ITIMER_PROF is > (practically, but not explicitly) monotonic. ITIMER_REAL can go > backwards (NTP clock adjustments) which might have interesting > side-effects if the clock is adjusted. Good point. Do you have references about ITIMER_REAL using a non-monotonic clock, besides the lack of specification regarding the clock? Based on experiments and the code [1], I think that ITIMER_REAL uses a monotonic clock on MacOS. It's not ideal to rely on that, and we should use a better specified timer mechanism if we eventually switch to wall-clock time on all platforms, but it seems reasonable as a workaround for the ITIMER_PROF bug on MacOS/Apple Silicon. > The problem might actually be using ITIMER_PROF, which "Measures CPU > time used by the process, including both user space and kernel space" > and usage of sockets/threads might give an "accelerated" value while > maybe ITIMER_VIRTUAL is the one we should be using since it "Measures > CPU time used by the process (user space)" which won't count kernel > timings. Unfortunately ITIMER_VIRTUAL is not really useful as a max_execution_time implementation as it will basically never fire in a syscall-heavy workload. E.g. after replacing ITIMER_PROF by ITIMER_VIRTUAL in [2], the program runs for well over the specified time before receiving a signal, despite consuming a considerable amount of resources. [1] [2] Best Regards, Arnaud