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I'd like to see this: if ($objectVar->property is uninitialized) { ... } or/and: if ($objectVar->property is initialized) { ... } -- Erick de Azevedo Lima Em seg., 20 de mai. de 2024 =C3=A0s 14:28, Larry Garfield escreveu: > On Sat, May 18, 2024, at 5:41 PM, Rowan Tommins [IMSoP] wrote: > > On 18 May 2024 17:13:49 BST, Larry Garfield > wrote: > >>However, that breaks down with readonly properties, which are not > allowed to have a sentinel. Uninitialized is their sentinel, for better = or > worse. > > > > Sorry, I don't understand this statement at all. A readonly property > > can be set to PatchState::KeepCurrentValue just like any other. If the > > intention is that that state will be overwritten with an actual value > > later, then it's not a readonly property. > > > > I guess you have some different scenario in mind? > > > > > >> And as I noted earlier in the thread, when writing a serializer or > other dynamic systems (an ORM probably would have the same issue), you > really need to be able to differentiate between null and uninitialized. > Even if you think the uninitialized value is a sign of an error, it's > coming from code you don't control so you have to be able to handle it > somehow. > > > > If a property is uninitialized, the object is in an invalid state, and > > attempting to read that property gives an error. That's by design, and > > as it should be. > > > > Are you saying that you want to be able to detect the error before it > > happens? Why? > > For context, remember I maintain a serializer library, so I have to > support objects that may indeed be in an invalid state, and depending on > the incoming data may not be able to guarantee an object is in a valid > state. I have to do everything via reflection and/or visibility-busting > closures. I also maintain an attributes library that, necessarily, has > multiple methods that get called post-constructor before the object is > "ready." Admittedly neither of these are common cases, but neither are > they invalid cases. > > Readonly's current design, and the (IMO, very bad) support from SA tools, > works on the assumption that your readonly properties are 1. Based on > constructor params; 2. are always guaranteed set after the constructor. > While those are true in the majority case, they're not true in the > universal case. > > IOW, "this readonly property is not set by the time the constructor is > done, so your object is invalid, so your argument is invalid" is not a fa= ir > or accurate statement. And even then, lots of code needs to be able to > inspect an object to determine if it is valid or not, even if just to giv= e > the user a better error message than "Oops, you tried to read an > uninitialized property, we gonna crash now." (As noted, I maintain > multiple such libraries. ORMs would be the other big use case, I think.) > > All of which is to say that, yes, there are use cases for an "is this > property initialized" check that is less fugly than the get_object_vars() > hack I have to rely on now. > > --Larry Garfield > --0000000000000b9d410618e637dd Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> All of which is to say that, yes, there are use = cases for an "is this=20 property initialized" check that is less fugly than the=20 get_object_vars() hack I have to rely on now.=C2=A0

I'd like to see this:

if ($objectVar-&g= t;property is uninitialized) {


if ($objectVar->property is initialized) = {

Erick de Azevedo Lima

Em seg., 20 de mai. de 2024 =C3=A0s 14:28, = Larry Garfield <> escreveu:
On Sat, May 18, 2024, at 5:41 PM, Rowan Tommin= s [IMSoP] wrote:
> On 18 May 2024 17:13:49 BST, Larry Garfield <> wrote:=
>>However, that breaks down with readonly properties, which are not a= llowed to have a sentinel.=C2=A0 Uninitialized is their sentinel, for bette= r or worse.
> Sorry, I don't understand this statement at all. A readonly proper= ty
> can be set to PatchState::KeepCurrentValue just like any other. If the=
> intention is that that state will be overwritten with an actual value =
> later, then it's not a readonly property.
> I guess you have some different scenario in mind?
>> And as I noted earlier in the thread, when writing a serializer or= other dynamic systems (an ORM probably would have the same issue), you rea= lly need to be able to differentiate between null and uninitialized.=C2=A0 = Even if you think the uninitialized value is a sign of an error, it's c= oming from code you don't control so you have to be able to handle it s= omehow.
> If a property is uninitialized, the object is in an invalid state, and=
> attempting to read that property gives an error. That's by design,= and
> as it should be.
> Are you saying that you want to be able to detect the error before it =
> happens? Why?

For context, remember I maintain a serializer library, so I have to support= objects that may indeed be in an invalid state, and depending on the incom= ing data may not be able to guarantee an object is in a valid state.=C2=A0 = I have to do everything via reflection and/or visibility-busting closures.= =C2=A0 I also maintain an attributes library that, necessarily, has multipl= e methods that get called post-constructor before the object is "ready= ."=C2=A0 Admittedly neither of these are common cases, but neither are= they invalid cases.

Readonly's current design, and the (IMO, very bad) support from SA tool= s, works on the assumption that your readonly properties are 1. Based on co= nstructor params; 2. are always guaranteed set after the constructor.=C2=A0= While those are true in the majority case, they're not true in the uni= versal case.

IOW, "this readonly property is not set by the time the constructor is= done, so your object is invalid, so your argument is invalid" is not = a fair or accurate statement.=C2=A0 And even then, lots of code needs to be= able to inspect an object to determine if it is valid or not, even if just= to give the user a better error message than "Oops, you tried to read= an uninitialized property, we gonna crash now."=C2=A0 (As noted, I ma= intain multiple such libraries.=C2=A0 ORMs would be the other big use case,= I think.)

All of which is to say that, yes, there are use cases for an "is this = property initialized" check that is less fugly than the get_object_var= s() hack I have to rely on now.=C2=A0

--Larry Garfield