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To: Peter Stalman Cc: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: (Robert Landers) On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 10:33=E2=80=AFAM Peter Stalman = wrote: > > Hi Internals, > > Obviously we can't use constants or functions directly in strings using v= ariable parsing, I assume because it lacks the easily detectable $. > > However, we _can_ use methods because the object variable has the $, whic= h I assume is the reason methods work and functions don't. > > I feel like it's something that _could_ have been added when dynamic acce= ss of static members support was added in 5.3.0, but maybe it was overlooke= d or decided against? Consider: > > ``` > > $a =3D new A(); > > echo " {A::$static_property} \n"; // doesn't work (unless $static_propert= y is a variable) > echo " {$a::$static_property} \n"; // works > > echo " {A::static_method()} \n"; // doesn't work (just text) > echo " {$a::static_method()} \n"; // works > > echo " {A::constant} \n"; // doesn't work > echo " {$a::constant} \n"; // doesn't work either, but why? > > ?> > ``` > > > Also, as a side note, why does this hack below work? It seems like somet= hing that would use `eval()`, but doesn't. Take a look: > > > > I found it at the bottom of the manual entry for Strings[1]. Not somethi= ng I would use, but it's interesting to see. > > Thanks, > Peter > > [1]: In general, it would be nice to have some proper inline string templating, like other languages (js, C#, etc). At least some way to evaluate an expression and format. I'm thinking like in C#: $"Price: {price:C2}, Quantity: {quantity}, Discount: {discount:P1}, Total after discount: {(price * quantity * (1 - discount)):N2}" Price is formatted using currency with 2 decimal places, discount is formatted using percentage and one decimal, and N is a number format with 2 decimals. Robert Landers Software Engineer Utrecht NL