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Hi Internals,

Obviously=C2=A0we can'= ;t use constants or functions directly in strings using variable parsing, I= assume because it lacks the easily detectable $.

= However, we _can_ use methods because the object variable has the $, which = I assume is the reason methods work and functions don't.

I feel like it's something that _could_ have been added when= dynamic access of static members support was added in 5.3.0, but maybe it = was overlooked or decided against?=C2=A0 Consider:


$a =3D new A();

ech= o " {A::$static_property} \n"; // doesn't work (unless $stati= c_property is a variable)
echo " {$a::$static_property} \n"; /= / works

echo " {A::static_method()} \n"; // doesn't wo= rk (just text)
echo " {$a::static_method()} \n"; // works
<= br>echo " {A::constant} \n"; // doesn't work
echo " {= $a::constant} \n"; // doesn't work either, but why?

= Also, as a side note, why does this hack below work?=C2=A0 It seems like so= mething that would use `eval()`, but doesn't.=C2=A0 Take a look:
<= div>

I found it at the bottom of the manual e= ntry for Strings[1].=C2=A0 Not something I would use, but it's interest= ing to see.

