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You'll see this frequently regarding SQL's handli= ng=20 > of NULL, for instance - does it mean "unknown", "not applicable",=20 > "invalid", etc. > > A common solution put forward to this perceived problem is "algebraic=20 > data types" - a Maybe or Option type for "value or missing", an Error = or=20 > Failable type for "value or error", etc. PHP doesn't have those=20 > (yet...), but the same information can be conveyed nicely with a final=20 > class or single-element enum. > > In your example, the actual value you want to represent is not "Not=20 > Set", it's "Keep Current Value", so that's the terminal value you need: > > final class KeepCurrent {} > class MyDTOPatch { > =C2=A0 =C2=A0 public int|null|KeepCurrent $propA; > =C2=A0 =C2=A0 public=C2=A0int|null|KeepCurrent $propB; > } > > or: > > enum PatchState { case KeepCurrent } > class MyDTOPatch { > =C2=A0 =C2=A0 public int|null|PatchState $propA; > =C2=A0 =C2=A0 public=C2=A0int|null|PatchState $propB; > } > > > >> Are there any downsides in adding a >> specific syntax to check if a property >> is initialized with any value? > > > In my opinion - and I stress that others may not share this opinion -=20 > the entire concept of "uninitialized properties" is a wart on the=20 > language, which we should be doing our best to eliminate, not adding=20 > more features around it. > > As a bit of background, the concept was created when typed properties=20 > were being added, to handle a limitation of the language: given the=20 > declaration "public Foo $prop;" there is no way to specify an initial=20 > value which meets the type constraint. For nullable properties, you ca= n=20 > write "public ?Foo $prop=3Dnull;" but since PHP (thankfully) distingui= shes=20 > nullable and non-nullable types, you can't write "public Foo $prop=3Dn= ull;" > > Some languages, e.g. Swift, require that all properties are initialise= d=20 > before the constructor returns, but retrofitting this to PHP was=20 > considered impractical, so instead it was left to a run-time error: if=20 > you fail to initialise a property, you will get an error trying to=20 > access it. > > To track that, the engine has to record a special state, but assigning= a=20 > meaning to that error state is a bit like using exceptions for flow=20 > control. It would be more in keeping with the original purpose to have=20 > an object_is_valid() function, which returned false if *any* property=20 > had not been initialised to a valid value. > > > PHP actually has a bewildering variety of such special states. In a=20 > different compromise added at the same time, calling unset() on a type= d=20 > property puts it into a *separate* state where magic __get and __set a= re=20 > called, which they are not if the property has simply not yet been=20 > assigned, e.g. > > I have always found this a mess. If a property says it is of type=20 > "?int", I want to know that it will always be an integer or null, not=20 > "int or null or uninitialised or unset". If it needs more than one=20 > non-integer state, that should be specified in the type system, e.g.=20 > "int|NotApplicable|NotSpecified|NotLoaded". > > > PS: Etiquette on this list is to post replies below the text you're=20 > replying to, preferably editing to the relevant parts as I've done her= e,=20 > rather than adding your text above the quoted message. > > Required, > > --=20 > Rowan Tommins > [IMSoP] I am unsurprisingly entirely in agreement on the problems of using null = as a universal sentinel, and the value of using an enum as a sentinel. However, that breaks down with readonly properties, which are not allowe= d to have a sentinel. Uninitialized is their sentinel, for better or wo= rse. Ideally, yes, all readonly properties are set by the time the cons= tructor ends, but that's not always feasible. And as I noted earlier in= the thread, when writing a serializer or other dynamic systems (an ORM = probably would have the same issue), you really need to be able to diffe= rentiate between null and uninitialized. Even if you think the uninitia= lized value is a sign of an error, it's coming from code you don't contr= ol so you have to be able to handle it somehow. Some way to more easily check if a property is in one of the various "sp= ecial states" would be helpful. Even if the number of special states is= itself bad (I don't disagree there), they are already there, and making= it easier to work around them would be helpful. --Larry Garfield