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I am already using a solution like the one proposed by Robert: it works but it leaves some doubts since each project can have a different name for NotSet while it seems a general concept of the language. Besides the example I proposed, I think that there are many cases where you can check if the property is initialised or not and for consistency "null" should be considered a valid initialization value. Are there any downsides in adding a specific syntax to check if a property is initialized with any value? Thank you. Luigi Cardamone Backend developer Italy Il Sab 18 Mag 2024, 11:19 Robert Landers ha scritto: > On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 11:43=E2=80=AFPM Luigi Cardamone > wrote: > > > > Hello Internals, > > during last PHPDay in Verona I discussed this topic with some of > > you and it was suggested to me to send an email here. > > > > Here is an example to describe my problem. Imagine a simple > > DTO like this: > > > > class MyDTO{ > > public ?int $propA; > > public ?int $propB; > > } > > > > Imagine that a Form processor or a generic mapper fill some of > > these fields with a null value: > > > > $dto =3D new MyDTO(); > > $dto->propA =3D null; > > > > Sometimes we use DTOs to handle PATCH requests and not all > > the properties are mapped with a value. In a scenario like this, > > "null" is often a valid value. > > > > At this point, I need a way to find if a property was initialized or > > not but unfortunately "isset" is not a solution. When I write: > > > > echo isset($dto->propA) ? 'init' : 'not-init'; > > > > I get "not-init" since isset returns true only if the variable is set > > and different from null. > > > > Full example: > > > > Is the language missing a clean way to check if a property is > > initialized or not? Is there any solution to this problem? > > > > The only alternative is using reflection but I need to pass the > > property name as a string losing static analysis. > > Proposing a new language syntax like > > "is_initialized($dto->propA)" can be an interesting solution? > > > > Thank you in advance. > > > > Luigi Cardamone > > Backend developer > > Italy > > I wouldn't rely on checking initialized or not. Instead, use a sentinel > value: > > class NotSet {} > > define("NotSet", new NotSet()); > > class MyAwesomeValue { > public NotSet|null|string $aValue =3D NotSet; > } > > This way, even programmers can "unset" a property by simply setting > $value->aValue =3D NotSet without having to rely on the weird PHP > semantics of unsetting a property. You can also use this to > declaratively encode which properties cannot be unset, without having > to define it in your mapping code. > > Robert Landers > Software Engineer > Utrecht NL > --000000000000b9fd270618b843d0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Thank you for your feedback.

<= div dir=3D"auto">I am already using a solution like the one
proposed by Robert: it works but it
leaves= some doubts since each project
can have a different= name for NotSet
while it seems a general concept of= the

Besides the example I proposed, I think
that there are many cases where you
can check if t= he property is initialised
or not and for consistenc= y "null" should
be considered a valid init= ialization value.

Are there any downsides = in adding a
specific syntax to check if a property
is initialized with any value?

<= /div>
Thank you.

Luigi Cardamone
Backend developer

Il Sab 18 Mag 2024, 11:19 Robert Landers <= ; t; ha scritto:
On Fri, May 17, 2024= at 11:43=E2=80=AFPM Luigi Cardamone
<> wrote:
> Hello Internals,
> during last PHPDay in Verona I discussed this topic with some of
> you and it was suggested to me to send an email here.
> Here is an example to describe my problem. Imagine a simple
> DTO like this:
> class MyDTO{
>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0public ?int $propA;
>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0public ?int $propB;
> }
> Imagine that a Form processor or a generic mapper fill some of
> these fields with a null value:
> $dto =3D new MyDTO();
> $dto->propA =3D null;
> Sometimes we use DTOs to handle PATCH requests and not all
> the properties are mapped with a value. In a scenario like this,
> "null" is often a valid value.
> At this point, I need a way to find if a property was initialized or > not but unfortunately "isset" is not a solution. When I writ= e:
> echo isset($dto->propA) ? 'init' : 'not-init';
> I get "not-init" since isset returns true only if the variab= le is set
> and different from null.
> Full example:
> Is the language missing a clean way to check if a property is
> initialized or not? Is there any solution to this problem?
> The only alternative is using reflection but I need to pass the
> property name as a string losing static analysis.
> Proposing a new language syntax like
> "is_initialized($dto->propA)" can be an interesting solut= ion?
> Thank you in advance.
> Luigi Cardamone
> Backend developer
> Italy

I wouldn't rely on checking initialized or not. Instead, use a sentinel= value:

class NotSet {}

define("NotSet", new NotSet());

class MyAwesomeValue {
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 public NotSet|null|string $aValue =3D NotSet;

This way, even programmers can "unset" a property by simply setti= ng
$value->aValue =3D NotSet without having to rely on the weird PHP
semantics of unsetting a property. You can also use this to
declaratively encode which properties cannot be unset, without having
to define it in your mapping code.

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL