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Switching to ITIMER_REAL appears to fix the issue, and Manuel > Kress opened a PR [3]. > > Are there objections against switching to ITIMER_REAL on MacOS (Apple > Silicon only) in all currently supported PHP versions? (next 8.2.x, > 8.3.x, 8.x) > > Apart from fixing the issue, this would introduce the following minor > breaking changes: > > - max_execution_time on MacOS would be based on wall-clock time rather > than CPU time, so the time spent in I/O, sleep(), and syscalls in > general would count towards the max_execution_time > - The SIGALRM signal would be used instead of the SIGPROF signal > (using SIGALRM conflicts with pcntl_alarm(), but SIGPROF conflicts > with profilers). As noted by Dmitry, it also conflicts with sleep() on > some platforms, however this should be safe on MacOS. > > Currently max_execution_time is based on wall-clock time on ZTS and > Windows, and CPU time otherwise. On Linux and FreeBSD, wall-clock time > can also be used when building with > --enable-zend-max-execution-timers. M=C3=A1t=C3=A9 proposed to add a wall= -clock > based timeout in the past [2] but the discussion has stalled. Any > thoughts about eventually switching other platforms to wall-clock > timeouts in the next 8.x ? > > TL;DR: > - Any objection about using wall-clock max_execution_time and SIGALRM > on MacOS Apple Silicon in all supported versions? > - Thoughts about using wall-clock timeouts on all platforms in the next 8= .x ? > > [1] > [2] > [3] > > Best Regards, > Arnaud This sounds like a bug with Mac vs. a PHP issue. That being said, the biggest issue between changing these clocks is that ITIMER_PROF is (practically, but not explicitly) monotonic. ITIMER_REAL can go backwards (NTP clock adjustments) which might have interesting side-effects if the clock is adjusted. The problem might actually be using ITIMER_PROF, which "Measures CPU time used by the process, including both user space and kernel space" and usage of sockets/threads might give an "accelerated" value while maybe ITIMER_VIRTUAL is the one we should be using since it "Measures CPU time used by the process (user space)" which won't count kernel timings. Robert Landers Software Engineer Utrecht NL