Newsgroups: php.internals Path: Xref: php.internals:122614 X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 77D681AD8F6 for ; Mon, 11 Mar 2024 17:26:42 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=mail; t=1710178017; bh=foYEB+6ey/ZSolbXkHLmlfUe0HiYBu8vl9jYa5/L3RI=; h=In-Reply-To:References:Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=m9pJ3DQ4zFfVyQsf01/ahogRhDuYh2A21NmjKEnh6BQkCI12HunUhoJJwg1J+lDtN gdFdMoLGnYGpG4xClSvXWreiktZT/CKOHeMNLmwaU67AhwMAqzPo773Hpd2kpiBxlR a3izIOFmzwSa7vQ6NTmW5HBfoHizLnNIgc2w+ny7sskUxC1i0vWBX5ejP9YY6sedOn 8d/3gvkGezh1CW0VD4hVl7gwtCYSqCa1OKTzAOiZuQbzamftTDCWnsgPxGSJIPdTYG 2zqz/ZB5nqHA8hbCxnIgESctoOMbIcLwEozNE1JzbNBewNwpWJeJ7BB+NCfoyVwgbZ 8wwQzVSwwOhtg== Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A6204180915 for ; Mon, 11 Mar 2024 17:26:56 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0 (2022-12-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,DKIM_VALID_EF,DMARC_MISSING,HTML_MESSAGE, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW,SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS,T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=4.0.0 X-Spam-Virus: No X-Envelope-From: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS for ; Mon, 11 Mar 2024 17:26:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: from compute1.internal (compute1.nyi.internal []) by mailfout.west.internal (Postfix) with ESMTP id EA5291C000A7 for ; Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:26:37 -0400 (EDT) Received: from imap49 ([]) by compute1.internal (MEProxy); Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:26:38 -0400 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=cc:content-type:content-type:date:date:from:from:in-reply-to :in-reply-to:message-id:mime-version:references:reply-to:subject :subject:to:to; s=fm2; t=1710177997; x=1710264397; bh=foYEB+6ey/ ZSolbXkHLmlfUe0HiYBu8vl9jYa5/L3RI=; b=ZSvmXKA6VP4Lsgt0DHavr/taxm OfnM6MVE9dSWuE3doVu+xTYquhYdoaMcY1PVW4RCkiS+TNddzGg14Jm1Kx+MG9Hh +XW5MWmcS2vPDoLwRqL9YMUaNnq4tJRmtGzBAaEbHqjdXrkAGsqMY1pRwM5VAXN1 f3bqqt0VHSaVrpVm+GH1R394ZcEKvl5ZuuBSxdGk7kYw1eEu6gajrpQ1Kty1z4l1 Vq/SuVHYbe78iuZ2ml4qhnMSD7myDPf1SK53yHvj+kDFQ/NDRonBILm0pBcoYlRI rHTeXS1jtz1T7TC2gzhW9Z8Eo0sQscayjc1iNfUc9MIxp2NtwJJhLNgEw6XA== DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=; h=cc:content-type:content-type:date:date :feedback-id:feedback-id:from:from:in-reply-to:in-reply-to :message-id:mime-version:references:reply-to:subject:subject:to :to:x-me-proxy:x-me-proxy:x-me-sender:x-me-sender:x-sasl-enc; s= fm1; t=1710177997; x=1710264397; bh=foYEB+6ey/ZSolbXkHLmlfUe0HiY Bu8vl9jYa5/L3RI=; b=fAd7qQAy2Ed4oyVurjJtLMsTGuHu5rJc4LO+Re/PWG43 gEmJJzhCeG/bX+jxOJ74wduqTCMyhmDg4UB0luZrRGcHYvjeTzTy2x6eMl+8y9y5 CHJs1DV2QfW39D1TiAynIQ9QBj1cWPd7WSCIkSZfEljg1vfwLzUpMwSYLehNG+8a 8RIHp7AVF74nqIELir1ZT+W3p3XIxyHMzk0ZBenxTYWl8c4AK4bKAa8fqYMkFCnu NmvWyRb6neXWJ1rJ0c9cIqnOq0T7J35nRfG7ODhqNSBwYCDmHy2tMOK7TkSxJloQ VdEWBXIaqIVsntAqmKBUEDfugjfamViMu6C1KeNUxw== X-ME-Sender: X-ME-Proxy-Cause: gggruggvucftvghtrhhoucdtuddrgedvledrjedugddutdduucetufdoteggodetrfdotf fvucfrrhhofhhilhgvmecuhfgrshhtofgrihhlpdfqfgfvpdfurfetoffkrfgpnffqhgen uceurghilhhouhhtmecufedttdenucenucfjughrpefofgggkfgjfhffhffvufgtsegrtd erreerreejnecuhfhrohhmpedftfhosgcunfgrnhguvghrshdfuceorhhosgessghothht lhgvugdrtghouggvsheqnecuggftrfgrthhtvghrnhepieethffhveevleekhfetvdelve effeejgeehtdfgteevtddvveffudeiheegvdelnecuffhomhgrihhnpehgihhthhhusgdr tghomhdptghonhhtrghinhgvrhdqohhffhhsvghtqdgsvghhrghvihhouhhrrdhmugenuc evlhhushhtvghrufhiiigvpedtnecurfgrrhgrmhepmhgrihhlfhhrohhmpehrohgssegs ohhtthhlvggurdgtohguvghs X-ME-Proxy: Feedback-ID: ifab94697:Fastmail Received: by mailuser.nyi.internal (Postfix, from userid 501) id 0C8A815A0096; Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:26:36 -0400 (EDT) X-Mailer: Webmail Interface User-Agent: Cyrus-JMAP/3.11.0-alpha0-251-g8332da0bf6-fm-20240305.001-g8332da0b Precedence: bulk list-help: list-post: List-Id: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:26:16 +0100 To: Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [Pre-RFC] Improve language coherence for the behaviour of offsets and containers Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=e34d8db659514b77935ac7d03e537421 From: ("Rob Landers") --e34d8db659514b77935ac7d03e537421 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Mon, Mar 11, 2024, at 13:52, Gina P. Banyard wrote: > Hello internals, >=20 > I would like to get some initial feedback on an RFC I've been working = on for the last 5=E2=80=936 months. > The RFC attempts to explain, and most importantly, improve the semanti= cs around $container[$offset] as PHP is currently widely inconsistent. >=20 > The RFC is about six thousands words, so I would recommend a cup of te= a/coffee before starting to read it. >=20 > The main things which are still in flux is the naming of the new inter= faces and methods, the phrasing of error messages, and the behaviour aro= und using null as a container. > Those are generally indicated with a TODO comment. >=20 > Of note is that I will also be going on holiday for 3 weeks from the 1= 9th of March, so ideally most of the feedback would come during that tim= e frame so that I can finalize the RFC after my holiday. >=20 > RFC: >=20 >=20 > Best regards, >=20 > Gina P. Banyard >=20 I=E2=80=99m still reading the RFC, but here: php-rfcs/blob/master/ You list =E2=80=9Cappending=E2=80=9D twice.=20 =E2=80=94 Rob --e34d8db659514b77935ac7d03e537421 Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024, at 13:52, Gina P. Banyard wrote:
Hello interna= ls,

I would like to get some initial feedba= ck on an RFC I've been working on for the last 5=E2=80=936 months.
The RFC attempts to explain, and most importantly, improve the = semantics around $container[$offset] as PHP is currently widely inconsis= tent.

The RFC is about six thousands words,= so I would recommend a cup of tea/coffee before starting to read it.

The main things which are still in flux is th= e naming of the new interfaces and methods, the phrasing of error messag= es, and the behaviour around using null as a container.
Th= ose are generally indicated with a TODO comment.

Of note is that I will also be going on holiday for 3 weeks from t= he 19th of March, so ideally most of the feedback would come during that= time frame so that I can finalize the RFC after my holiday.

Best regards,

G= ina P. Banyard

You list =E2=80=9Capp= ending=E2=80=9D twice. 

=E2=80=94 Rob