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Banyard wrote: > Hello internals, > > I would like to get some initial feedback on an RFC I've been working=20 > on for the last 5=E2=80=936 months. > The RFC attempts to explain, and most importantly, improve the=20 > semantics around $container[$offset] as PHP is currently widely=20 > inconsistent. > > The RFC is about six thousands words, so I would recommend a cup of=20 > tea/coffee before starting to read it. > > The main things which are still in flux is the naming of the new=20 > interfaces and methods, the phrasing of error messages, and the=20 > behaviour around using null as a container. > Those are generally indicated with a TODO comment. > > Of note is that I will also be going on holiday for 3 weeks from the=20 > 19th of March, so ideally most of the feedback would come during that=20 > time frame so that I can finalize the RFC after my holiday. > > RFC:=20 > > > > Best regards, > > Gina P. Banyard Woof. That's my kind of RFC. :-) The extensive background helps a lot,= thank you. I am generally in favor of this, and have wanted more fine-grained Array= Access interfaces for a long time. Thoughts in no particular order: * "Dimension" is clearly based on the existing engine hooks, but as a us= er-space dev, it's a very confusing term. Possibly documentable if ther= e's an obvious logic for it we could present, but something more self-ev= ident is probably better. * I am not sure combining get and exists into a single interface is righ= t. I'm not certain it's wrong, either, though. What is the argument fo= r combining them? * Do we have some guidance for what offsetGet() should do when offsetExi= sts() is false? I know there isn't really any now, but it seems like th= e sort of thing to think about here. * You sort of skirt around but don't directly address the impact of this= change on the long-standing desire to make array functions accept array= ified objects. What if any impact would this have there? Eg, could som= e array functions be made to accept array|DimensionRead without breaking= the world? * How, if at all, does this relate to iterable? I think it has no impac= t, but since it's in the same problem space it's worth confirming. * You mention at one point applying shim code ArrayAccess to make it wor= k like the new interfaces. Please expand on that. Do you mean the engi= ne would automatically insert some shims, like how `__toString()` now ma= gically implies `implements Stringable`? Or some trait that objects cou= ld use (either a user-space trait or an engine trait) that would provide= such shims in an overridable fashion? I don't fully follow here. * Big +1 to removing the magic semi-silent casting when using weird key = types. * I feel like some of the sections could benefit from more short code ex= amples. Eg, What the heck does fetch-append on a null even look like? = That would help illustrate why the current behavior is weird, or why som= e things need to stay non-obvious because they're used in odd cases. (Li= ke how $a[1][2] is a by-ref fetch internally, something most people don'= t think about.) * What would the changes to ArrayObject mean for a backing object that u= ses hooks on some properties? It says __get/__set would be bypassed. W= ould hooks also be bypassed? (I have no clue what the preferred logic h= ere is, honestly. Just thinking aloud and hoping hooks pass so that we = have to think about this. :-) ) * If I read correctly, an internal object that implements one of the dim= ension handlers will automagically appear to user-land as having the cor= responding interface, much like `__toString()`/`Stringable`. Is that co= rrect? It seemed implied but not fully stated. If so, a brief code exa= mple would help to make it clear in such a long RFC. Again, thank you for your work on this, and I hope it passes easily. --Larry Garfield