Newsgroups: php.internals Path: Xref: php.internals:122580 X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A76D21AD8F6 for ; Thu, 7 Mar 2024 00:07:10 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=mail; t=1709770043; bh=GSJKZB6r/eDKAlc4C2pF+MXXRs+XGZ1C0UwutMXZHGI=; h=Date:Subject:To:References:From:In-Reply-To:From; b=jdmBaXLt5pFSFq4vBatRZuftVWqdZjHMoB/P3DhzW7RPOAuWkqtQgMSEe+FHlLqaO DCeXyy2QpyznppbJTzIvordVGyyD9EoO51RkgYeZFiQBAL4ZjLpUoYNcVxYCorwBrB G/tD1ufH8Dyx3zJV7/LX6g0IoW/wKTtf91tzJkihD/ZmrYDtDQaSvwaFSQcbwEcq+p wfwyetlbaWdMEFpX4nax74ugDHZz5XyvIgCQc7KAUzFi2GoAHycv9/YkIPpETvZAeL gYeC0K+BNHgJdITn0G5h7EtrKs3DDAs9tpHs4pCJ3fR0VK5babonLpZTlfaYb26FNK M4jBp6v95fzXQ== Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5FD56180070 for ; Thu, 7 Mar 2024 00:07:22 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0 (2022-12-13) on X-Spam-Level: *** X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,DMARC_MISSING, HTML_MESSAGE,SPF_HELO_FAIL,SPF_SOFTFAIL,T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=4.0.0 X-Spam-Virus: No X-Envelope-From: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS for ; Thu, 7 Mar 2024 00:07:21 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=none; dkim-atps=neutral Received: from authenticated-user ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (128/128 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id A12607E8D8 for ; Wed, 6 Mar 2024 16:07:07 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------ZuUWOyDROqqxEo2HzsAnD9w0" Message-ID: Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2024 16:07:07 -0800 Precedence: bulk list-help: list-post: List-Id: MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Release Managers for PHP 8.4 To: References: Content-Language: en-US Autocrypt:; keydata= xsFNBFg4q4YBEAD50HOLDAVpW88rUHnX/TYTCLpqmHMKXPjuf1l3ZEkY3PXF6wqmqaWWMPeW JFsik3cMebtLQzsgXHl4xDUBQhOOtdfax2ZKBHQmoUknw2dKkqdkVLh8Xpu8tw00SmcTiAFV CA2+HOqQ+Drq9NUpnMeJpJZiZu84eZbJBEzgabi0s4jf67NH7E3ENFb8DRilcM1aNT0rD1xV KR1spMKmBmOoJ/pj5OlWNH34/qdeqIrvKB46/pFELH8SRiorYTDhQTaS0PlT3LxRqVWo8+Jl gnFIe96p2d7JF1A1DwQUJerRY4789gNYzjW4fh1tc6jtTE2opbLVfbqujHsxrHFKoBO4CPBc Ptzf6TUPxDevvBh9omsd+V5FW7k/VFIiWFQv0RfQe8nwkNjmA0U3TOX3xKrU+59RU6w+uOuQ y564jxg691a7peiQ2Y90FqIVUlEL9Guf8U9ezp1DGo/UhnRNJcPmSwhYRcKMUV53mDqWQW8p 7XXjSqnVVF3cP9bc94UNAf28kXvnJBMGOZwp19dqD7ws+25WM6qQ7u7qQoGZzSI4Wn0ZaXnF rXwQXfY4+R20XSDt3oxGP8h08VSz09Xd3C7XV8Eg+0RrTSXVtZruAdcOIE/AWK4aBpN7yfGl MTfOOoYZa5tPFYf906yE56vtHcfJttJ7CO+kQMIW5PgRVMAE/QARAQABzRxFcmljIE1hbm4g PGVyaWNtYW5uQHBocC5uZXQ+wsGOBBMBCgA4FiEEr9hpH9rt8DvfbkYFY/Fam3FTdsoFAmRj nNgCGwMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQY/Fam3FTdsqv3BAAhDY7/d3oxt3Y zD5HGdJhqL0Ij6pqBMpW/GbF12eKxnnmz0VitT7lzayD7UHzUzTT8ZwSbrOaH2SIUFMl//vg L4PW7aUpYgSl00mowvazp1CG2085B8H8N1rXJKgUYuQfdmco8qfha0iI6YWH65CSBNupl5ma CBwXk6cX3C2XVJ3AP6rz4bnVJLohc88PQwSX33hWEHYxQh2mJ0Eb40QTB+pS2iU2W2+Mhd33 ryAGrCIZod76uCkNge+vioshDOlKxDA1j77tJiAO3FJkix1LOM13SQmapeqP7HnGfkNPZSNa ZiOcOxM6rPAGk1sBUZSfktnDu4gdW74yC/IcCqyQZVyXV3OVvatkBXHz90yje5zC6YKP3IU/ CUU4XMdWr9KfYpnfi42JF1KT9G8Iv33HbpMikgJrJtHgUxoKXQ0rzoT3gh4jUK8q4OPaCRBV CE3MqVwyc4Joj0/97X4/Hqa78pf874xKNRY5K18NDM+su3WwYfp7kkEpc2YMHDjzUenQZJRK HOIJXgwK0pibSM41okMZFE3o9G8DdMUMQRqeCM/cbpivfmnCAVqGk5VFLYcWxQsq0b6nlqTv 9k+fqH3WtJAS1NDzX1axrJ0tPfKPQlZTvBAZIp6KDfO1MvovnVO21erG33lI2o+0fonX3k6g PuQKbXNZG4QcaSTAV9WUp0HOwU0EWDitHQEQAMW49+DpWQNZIhI6JchxlXEhK374TcZqKjpf 7D9Zdr7zDB2iRD8cKxvMyr566RHpoD/6otd0f267kRVjHTL11TKutSKlwT27+nJcoFRRF1Sh BU2gPj9u1tasUsDPuRXlW/BA8yPePWXdxaizTY7kGxwCo7M2QkSGhHh4m+1AuYhsZYdCudaN uKSNFD6CtxBwKE4Now3svD3TzZJ2L2IxGOUOUw7mq6WJygYIXeYycVUggEbHpYcL35vmbYNb Wqd1Cw0bcjzQ32Yi89u1t9YOtatPgAcMT9LLLgRkD0Fg6YOQuobhsosH2fRy332nuL6QFdk4 Zf1WlKF1PjiYRg3km+QgOipIjK3RfKiA74RrbvUr+zUWW3fN0qzxrF2ub8MyoECPzRjfo8x5 8gl45SV1pXBYlFJpdA0aS+T7upVOY6g6fvFB7n4xl/3aK5uXsH2klKa7TwRtLCAVttGV2dkC PHZxqTNKc0/UvO2rjGKtEMYgpvzoHwtSM6FiWphcgWGiRS7qHBZYcgL7wV9Lkm2ZNRyhtIko UDvkaEZXc3AlIis4cUEJjpGwIeSnViU8Fep9M26zhSwmHYjFD+lburOZAMpCK+wsU214Mlbn QZZhJcTyCnORHnvDUZTwM3XYVLdhfqP8a0sfdg6VkGJo0kht30CMHJzp0EyGt8mOPLyC3LIP ABEBAAHCwXYEGAEKAAkFAlg4rR0CGwwAIQkQY/Fam3FTdsoWIQSv2Gkf2u3wO99uRgVj8Vqb cVN2ylVlD/49gOcib5GxCuYJLYlpYJRKBpptFvfgBsiq2D03w0U7Y+POi+jrHqa2LSeW6DFL GEKgL+1xJCFGKFJ/Cm2eCt4fpGitfaOFgLO/gdjjgPFQsuFm3840sKcXSql4w9W9Z+oPg/9d uL4xDqevuv3mOQO+R1Bt/4V+9vNk01kX1ftMRyMXhlqjPRUUp+tSQTT5KM5uxD3tLCWxcBxE iOjZ94ngiRuFuiNSnZ16GMckEh9Mum1Y+R4wJsRaZeulrmA02aML41IkZTHALRhKyxbDfjVe MURHM5gBhPYUVw9joxnXCzC+BRCDFw7bVL853LwgSq2gXZC0Rfdu2aBtLXWliGdmtv9FwKCL FrECygxbUu2fGB5/aMQ0otV2rgjaigPfhZoEQY0QasAQ4W+CR8fOGURWosoAKpLbeUGd9/zO f253g3XoN13wwTKyjhXKENUPw8ZqvjdPO+tgNnOLUnPO6K10ePbW4vaZdFCdixumxqZPokeB PkBPZq8oeAswkgWahKwQ7ZfgU4HTLMte3NEn/2WZQsLUo68IMaTCKt3AHvGoYi86wtd6/3Db NMxNsWamr8SWzia/1DGM5F1o3ClrZetD+eZN13duF3gI/1x+++5LhWP+qxPPOzBhXZG5zJ2P 3+eRwWuS79ZGfoh6w7uF4A3rkjkKfpAIwrNI2WlAKXWdBQ== In-Reply-To: From: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------ZuUWOyDROqqxEo2HzsAnD9w0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On 3/5/24 09:30, Jakub Zelenka wrote: > On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 3:37 PM Jakub Zelenka wrote: > > Hi all, > > It's time to start the process of finding and electing RMs for the > next minor PHP release. > > We are looking for three souls to take on this role. Whomsoever is > elected will be guided and helped by the current, as well as > previous RMs and the excellent documentation in > [1]. > > Candidates should have a reasonable knowledge of internals, be > confident about merging pull requests without breaking backward > compatibility, doing triage for bugs, liaising with previous > release managers, and generally getting the branch in good shape, > as these are among the activities you will be undertaking as > release manager. Ideally, at least one of candidate should be a > core developer that can assess more technical PR's. Other > candidates do not necessarily need to have deep knowledge of > internals but should understand above mentioned points. > > Notably, at least one of the volunteers must be a "veteran" > release manager, meaning they have participated in at least one > release of PHP in the past. The other may be an additional > veteran, or more ideally, someone new to the RM role (in order to > increase our supply of veteran RMs). > > Please put your name forward here if you wish to be considered a > candidate. An initial TODO page has been added to the wiki and > contains provisional dates for GA and pre-releases [2]. > > [1] > > > [2] > > Let's all make PHP awesome! > Jakub Zelenka, Eric Mann & Pierrick Charron > > > Apology I forgot add the deadline for the volunteer search and the > voting phase: > > Applications will be accepted until 31 March 2024 12:00:00 UTC > > Elections (if needed) will start on 1 April and run until 15 April > 12:00:00 UTC > > Cheers > > Jakub Good afternoon! I'm currently still happy as a rookie RM for 8.3, but if no one else is interested in stepping forward, would love to volunteer for the veteran RM role for 8.4. ~Eric --------------ZuUWOyDROqqxEo2HzsAnD9w0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On 3/5/24 09:30, Jakub Zelenka wrote:
On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 3:37 PM Jakub Zelenka <> wrote:
Hi all,

It's time to start the process of finding and electing RMs for the next minor PHP release.

We are looking for three souls to take on this role. Whomsoever is elected will be guided and helped by the current, as well as previous RMs and the excellent documentation in [1].

Candidates should have a reasonable knowledge of internals, be confident about merging pull requests without breaking backward compatibility, doing triage for bugs, liaising with previous release managers, and generally getting the branch in good shape, as these are among the activities you will be undertaking as release manager. Ideally, at least one of candidate should be a core developer that can assess more technical PR's. Other candidates do not necessarily need to have deep knowledge of internals but should understand above mentioned points.

Notably, at least one of the volunteers must be a "veteran" release manager, meaning they have participated in at least one release of PHP in the past. The other may be an additional veteran, or more ideally, someone new to the RM role (in order to increase our supply of veteran RMs).

Please put your name forward here if you wish to be considered a candidate. An initial TODO page has been added to the wiki and contains provisional dates for GA and pre-releases [2].


Let's all make PHP awesome!
Jakub Zelenka, Eric Mann & Pierrick Charron

Apology I forgot add the deadline for the volunteer search and the voting phase:

Applications will be accepted until 31 March 2024 12:00:00 UTC

Elections (if needed) will start on 1 April and run until 15 April 12:00:00 UTC



Good afternoon!

I'm currently still happy as a rookie RM for 8.3, but if no one else is interested in stepping forward, would love to volunteer for the veteran RM role for 8.4.

