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No, if it works for your proje= ct, that's great. > > Does that mean gaps in the php language/standard library should be automa= tically ignored/glossed over because composer may provide a work-around? Al= so, no. > > > PHP has for a very long time stood out amongst other web-focused language= s for having a very rich standard library out of the box ('batteries includ= ed', I think the cool kids would say now). > > Let's please not take PHP in the direction of "modern JavaScript" where l= anguage deficiencies mean that an entire alphabet of constantly changing th= ird-party tooling is required to do anything but the simplest tasks. > > > Cheers > > > Stephen > > -- > PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List > To unsubscribe, visit: > Hello, I'd venture to say that static classes have some unique benefits over plain functions. One, you can encapsulate state using private static variables. That simply isn't possible with regular functions (unless you use static variables in the functions themselves, which isn't quite the same thing). Two, you still have inheritance that you can use with static functions. You can't really have inheritance with regular functions unless you are strictly passing around closures. Third, static functions can also use traits (in theory) to allow for code reuse. Fouthly, not everyone is writing s Symfony/Laravel application that needs highly testable code and might just be throwing a prototype together -- static classes could hold static configuration for the app. In something like C#, static classes are used as a way to extend parts of the language. One thing for Lanre: please do not remove the requirement to explicitly mark a method as static with this. As someone who has read very long readonly classes, when you make a change, you usually don't find out it is readonly until you make that change. This is because the "readonly" is at, and only at, the very top of the class. Now, if you need to make the class non-readonly, but want to keep all the old variables readonly, you have to make dozens of changes. Please, for the life of sane refactoring, don't make "static class" a shortcut for not being explicit, just make it so that things MUST be declared static. Long classes are (unfortunately) a thing, and it makes everything more obvious as to what is going on. Further, removing static from the class, the class should still function, IMHO. Robert Landers Software Engineer Utrecht NL