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The second argument about FC is more defensible, though I > personally think it's not merited in this particular case. I'd person= ally > rather have a keyword here. > > > If you do go with an Attribute, then I'd go ahead and go further by > allowing to specify the name of the class being overridden and possibly > flags about intentional LSP violations. For examples: > > > // Intentional LSP violations > class A { > public function foo(): \SimpleXMLElement { return > simplexml_load_file("/tmp/file.xml"); } > } > class TestA extends A { > #[\Override(Override::IGNORE_RETURN_TYPE_VIOLATION)] > public function foo(): TestProxyClass { return TestProxy(parent::foo= ()); } > } > > LSP checks are super valuable for writing clean and well debuggable co= de, > but sometimes they get in the way of mocking or some other non-product= ion > activity. This could provide a "get out of jail free card" for those > circumstances where you just want to tell the engine, "Shut up, I know= what > I'm doing". I've been luke-warm on this RFC so far. I can sorta see the use case, b= ut I can also see the argument for "meh, the SA tools can already do thi= s, and those who would bother using it are probably already using SA too= ls." Sara's suggestion of using it for other operations, such as "yes, I'm vi= olating LSP, trust me, I know what I'm doing" has me very interested. T= hat has a number of potential uses that SA tools would not be sufficient= for. The first is testing, which is the example Sara gave. The second is when you have a wide type in an interface method parameter= , but in a given child class you know with certainty that the type is go= ing to be some subset of that. It's not typical, but I have a few cases= where I've needed that. Narrower docblock types seem to work to keep P= HPStan happy, but having a more directly-supported in the language optio= n would be nice. Making an attribute that can *control* inheritance rather than just *fla= g* inheritance seems like it would be much more compelling. --Larry Garfield