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Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:44:36 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:e400:7e45::4c) by (2a01:111:e400:7e45::396) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3846.25 via Frontend Transport; Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:44:36 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::b4c4:dc11:5337:821d]) by ([fe80::b4c4:dc11:5337:821d%4]) with mapi id 15.20.3846.041; Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:44:36 +0000 To: Pierre R. , Levi Morrison CC: PHP internals Thread-Topic: [PHP-DEV] Re: Proposal: namespace the SPL Thread-Index: AQHXAJqf59VBi1ZMG0C2Ap92+tycAKpTOvyAgAMNcwCAAAouAIAAD5cAgAAeCQCAAXSJ8w== Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:44:36 +0000 Message-ID: References: <> <> <>, In-Reply-To: Accept-Language: en-CA, en-US Content-Language: en-CA X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-incomingtopheadermarker: OriginalChecksum:B4B1BC4E051F69F56D35D2DA8018D6DD0FF406FE4330115F079BA39063E4801B;UpperCasedChecksum:620CD2C27FD8FF186573FB67B3DE11EAEA3830401A24E8C27354C7D3F4F8878D;SizeAsReceived:7591;Count:45 x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-tmn: [j9yfkg+Up0UTJs4Cc441BfEEcntD5Dxk7f2+j0zKLgHgM4IOPv7DUNYU1hzpzieo] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-incomingheadercount: 45 x-eopattributedmessage: 0 x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 492a0fc2-01da-4bb1-9b45-08d8d13a1acb x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: CY1NAM02HT266: x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; 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We may switch the direction of this alias in 9.0.=0A= =0A= The new names for existing Spl types at least seem more readable and possib= le to polyfill with `class_alias`.=0A= It should be clarified if "data types" include interfaces such as https://w= =0A= but I assume it does.=0A= =0A= A minor concern is that the wider switch on a case-by-case basis to namespa= cing will collectively add a =0A= lot of small barriers for end users that are upgrading (especially with ext= ernal libraries/applications),=0A= but agree that starting out small is the best way to discuss it.=0A= =0A= - e.g. data `serialize()`d and put into memcached or a database by PHP 9.0 = =0A= could not be read from memcached by servers still running PHP 8.0,=0A= and this would unexpectedly result in PHP_Incomplete_Class =0A= and new users may need to do a lot of research to figure out how to avoid= /fix this =0A= (by calling `class_alias` in 8.0).=0A= =0A= > > Let me know what you think. I am hopeful this approach will work becaus= e:=0A= =0A= I support voting on this separately from adding new functionality.=0A= =0A= To clarify my earlier decisions, I had strong reservations about introducin= g new functionality and setting a de facto precedent for a namespace policy= in the same vote=0A= on (but did so anyway due to f= eedback of multiple voters suggesting widespread opposition to continuing g= lobal namespacing months ago),=0A= because the deciding factor in a vote on new functions or new classes for v= oters may have been=0A= "do I (dislike the namespacing choice used in this RFC) less than (I dislik= e not having this useful proposed enhancement added to PHP)."=0A= and am happier with your plan to create an RFC asking "do 2/3rds of people = think this namespace choice should be used for future additions to ext/spl.= "=0A= =0A= In my decision to independently gather feedback for c/any_all_on_iterable_straw_poll_namespace=0A= I was deliberately overcommunicating knowing that:=0A= =0A= 1. If it passed, the namespacing policy choices made there might be interpr= eted or insisted on=0A= as a precedent for future additions to the Spl (or even PHP in general) = for a long time.=0A= =0A= This may cause a tolerable namespace choice to be used for many future a= dditions to ext/spl, rather than the one preferred by most of internals,=0A= which is why I was only fine with starting a vote after gathering feedba= ck from =0A= 2. If it was voted on without gathering widespread feedback on overall name= space preferences,=0A= I'd expect even more No votes and the function namespacing discussion co= uld continually get reopened if some namespace permutation wasn't even an o= ption.=0A= =0A= I apologize for the 11-way straw poll.=0A= Many voters do not comment on the internals mailing list, e.g. if someon= e else has already said the same thing.=0A= =0A= > > Let me know what you think. I am hopeful this approach will work becaus= e:=0A= > > =0A= > > It is focused on a specific area which already has an established=0A= > > "namespace", but in name-only (not technically).=0A= > > It does not try to solve the larger problem, which has a lot of=0A= > > disagreement.=0A= > > I will be proposing new types for ext/spl soon (ReverseIterator=0A= > > and an array iterator that is more efficient than \ArrayIterator),=0A= > > and Tyson Andre has already proposed CachedIterable and company=0A= > > which is in ext/spl, so this space has active development.=0A= > > Thank you for your time.=0A= > =0A= > Do you want a dumping ground? Because this is how you create a dumping=0A= > ground :-)=0A= > =0A= > If we're going to start putting things into namespaces (and we should)=0A= > then we should absolutely avoid repeating the mistakes of the past by=0A= > dumping completely unrelated things together.=0A= > =0A= > If SPL\ is to exist (and personally I think SPL is so cancerous, it=0A= > shouldn't) then IMO it must absolutely be SPL\iterators.=0A= > =0A= > Without that all we've done is swap one problem for another.=0A= > =0A= > The idea of putting data structures next to generic iterator helpers is,= =0A= > quite frankly, nuts.=0A= =0A= Do you have an expected timeline for creating the RFC document for this pro= posal and starting the vote?=0A= A vote would greatly reduce the uncertainty and time/energy involvement of = proposing =0A= adding additional datastructures, benefiting contributors both familiar and= unfamiliar=0A= with the PHP RFC process, and I agree with Levi that it would be useful to = ensure that =0A= "new additions going into the ext/spl can avoid having this naming discussi= on every time."=0A= =0A= **My main objection to the proposal is that this forces =0A= all core generic datastructures to go in the Spl namespace=0A= indefinitely, or would entail the creation of a separate module and splitti= ng up the manual pages to document new built-in datastructures=0A= that don't begin with `SPL\`.**=0A= Right now, the collection of classes in SPL is fairly small - it's used in = library code but rarely used directly,=0A= but if PHP were to add a collection of datastructures similar to [`php-ds`]= ( then end users would use the naming much more often.=0A= =0A= I'd agree that the prefix `Spl` in class/interface names has a large number= of negative connotations for those who=0A= are familiar with it and my impression was that there'd be less than 2/3 su= pport for a proposal to adopt it,=0A= due to those negative connotations, the wide range of preferred namespace c= hoices, and anticipations for future namespacing choices in PHP.=0A= (Right now, I'm not even sure about 2/3rds for any proposed namespace chang= e)=0A= For those that aren't familiar with it, the name SPL may be hard to remembe= r,=0A= especially after namespaces get introduced for existing and new extensions.= =0A= For example, a well-known issue is that =0A= extends `SplDoublyLinkedLi= st` and implements `Iterator`=0A= and isn't final, meaning:=0A= =0A= 1. It is impractical to change for backwards compatibility reasons,=0A= 2. A doubly-linked list wastes memory and is slower for common operrations = compared to something backed by an array.=0A= 3. Can't independently iterate over it while another iteration is in place = and iteration has unknown side effects.=0A= =0A= From user notes, "the `SplStack` is simply a SplDoublyLinkedList with an= iteration mode `IT_MODE_LIFOs and `IT_MODE_KEEP`"=0A= 4. If this RFC were to pass, what would we call a more memory/cpu efficient= array-based list, stack, or queue? `Spl\ArrayQueue`?=0A= 5. Consequently, many people prefer plain arrays over spl datastructures.= =0A= =0A= I haven't actually checked, but I'd assumed at the time, some prefix (i.e. = `Spl`) was chosen to avoid conflicting with user-defined `Stack`/`Queue`/ot= her, etc.,=0A= and that early on with namespaces only being introduced in PHP 5.3 it would= have been easier to create polyfills (for PHP 5.2)=0A= if namespaces weren't used - it was an **acceptable** prefix, not the best = naming convention.=0A= =0A= If we were to enforce that all new datastructures introduced =0A= into SPL started with `SPL` I'd have to consider moving the `CachedIterable= ` proposal to `ext/std` or a=0A= new always-enabled module such as `std_ds` for classes introduced in PHP 8,= =0A= but if it turns out there's widespread support for the namespace choicing o= f `Spl\...ForwardArrayIterator`=0A= I would very likely go with `Spl\...CachedIterable`.=0A= =0A= - I'd proposed `CachedIterable`, not `SplCachedIterable`.=0A= - It'd force a choice between inconsistencies.=0A= =0A= I would find it inconsistent to use the Spl naming scheme both for classe= s with extremely old design decisions=0A= from php 5.3 made because they were easy to implement (non-final, linked = lists, custom iteration behaviors, Iterator instead of `IteratorAggregate`,= =0A= memory inefficiencies), etc with the new objects.=0A= =0A= It'd also be inconsistent to have two different sections in the PHP manua= l for datastructures because of a constraint on the folder `ext/spl`.=0A= I guess phasing out `SplStack` and so on to switch to recommending brand = new redesigned datastructures such as `PHP\std\Vector` or `PHP\ds\Vector` = =0A= would be another option.=0A= - Right now, SPL is a mix of classes/interfaces/functions prefixed with Spl= and those that aren't,=0A= if you look at ,=0A= SPL already has data structures such as `ArrayObject` and interfaces that= aren't prefixed.=0A= =0A= ------=0A= =0A= Unrelatedly to this proposal,=0A= I feel like the internals mailing list may end up repeating a lot of small = namespacing discussions the next time someone=0A= proposes adding a class to a different module despite the lack of consensus= , whether or not the RFC passes.=0A= =0A= - There haven't been any class addition RFCs=0A= to extensions other than SPL in the last 4 months (i.e. after SPL namesp= acing was brought up)=0A= so it's too early to say if that's the case in practice.=0A= =0A= My opinion is that this situation may stall or prevent the proposal and add= ition of future types to PHP's existing modules,=0A= especially if small namespace policy votes repeatedly get slightly less tha= n 2/3 approval and keep getting amended and re-proposed for different exist= ing modules.=0A= =0A= For example, if a hypothetical new contributor (John Jorgesson) were to cre= ate an =0A= RFC adding "\GMPRational" for fractions with arbitrary-precision numerators= and denominators (rational numbers),=0A= and there (hypothetically) was broad support for adding GMPRational in php-= src (I'm not proposing adding GMPRational):=0A= =0A= Someone who may or may not be involved with implementing GMPRational might = suggest that that new contributor=0A= start working on the broader proposal of migrating GMP to use namespaces=0A= and all of the naming discussion that entails before there's a widely accep= ted namespacing policy=0A= (e.g. discussion on moving `GMP` to `GMP\GMP` or `GMP\BigInt` or `PHP\BigIn= t` or `PHP\GMP\BigInt`), either leading to=0A= =0A= 1. Adding GMP namespacing changes to the proposal, significantly raising th= e duration, time and energy involvement =0A= beyond what John expected for the original proposal,=0A= and John's RFC facing a effectively steeper threshold than to pass becau= se votes against adding datatypes are mixed with votes against the particul= ar namespace choice=0A= (e.g. potentially setting a bad precedent or being done before namespace= policy consensus was made.)=0A= 2. Keeping the proposal in the global namespace and facing a much steeper t= hreshold to pass because=0A= votes against adding datatypes are mixed with votes made on principle ag= ainst NOT namespacing by voters who otherwise may not have voted on GMP RFC= s.=0A= 3. John Jorgesson abandoning the RFC process, possibly creating a PECL inst= ead for something that (hypothetically) should have been in php-src.=0A= =0A= Regards,=0A= Tyson=0A=