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Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:01:49 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2750.18 via Frontend Transport; Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:01:49 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::1133:bcac:caf1:d588]) by ([fe80::1133:bcac:caf1:d588%3]) with mapi id 15.20.2750.021; Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:01:49 +0000 To: Bishop Bettini <> CC: "" <> Thread-Topic: [PHP-DEV] Re: Straw poll: Places to allow function calls in constant expressions Thread-Index: AQHV5TVGaQlwvBZF+k68DGwMXa9nx6gi0ZiqgAARpgCABSS0Fg== Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:01:49 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> <>,<> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-CA, en-US Content-Language: en-CA X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-incomingtopheadermarker: OriginalChecksum:FB0213BBB894FA02215CB41CAA0DD65875D355C051A49E726C5C7B9607A2DAD5;UpperCasedChecksum:8E4B0D0B8ACFE537C008A31C20F1816D300EAC447459CB89AD84924654540BE1;SizeAsReceived:7374;Count:46 x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-tmn: [Q7U4QUMxhSarxLjfe13kkVlS2YlTv5Tv1xwZ8V5Da8BcQk4stkkz2wbUbRPom9Bx] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-incomingheadercount: 46 x-eopattributedmessage: 0 x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: aca1f479-dd01-44a7-4ff7-08d7b8045847 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BN8NAM11HT216: x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; 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if ($x =3D=3D=3D null) {= $x =3D some_fn(); }` pattern inconvenient and wanted that to be just `stat= ic $x =3D some_fn();` to make the initial value `some_fn()` if possible. It= also seemed more readable (e.g. doesn't matter if some_fn() can be constan= t).=0A= =0A= My personal use case for parameter defaults and global constants isn't as s= trong (especially with define()),=0A= but it's still something I'd want.=0A= =0A= - I'd be able to use `private const FOO_DEFAULT =3D array_keys(...); functi= on foo($x =3D FOO_DEFAULT) {}` if constants did pass, so that's less off a = concern, and ensures&makes clear that the expression is only evaluated once= , so it might be a better place to start with.=0A= =0A= > As for implementation, we must manage the complexity.=0A= > I'm a hard "No" on restricting use to an arbitrary, variable list of bles= sed functions.=0A= > It's a dev UX nightmare to include a bevy of array_* functions but no str= * functions.=0A= =0A= If the RFC succeeded with a whitelist, I'd planned to create RFCs to add to= the whitelist.=0A= Locale dependency of string functions was the reason for leaving it out ini= tially, since that may also be a hard "no" for others.=0A= =0A= > Consequently, the only way to safely initialize class constants and stati= c members is at run-time, and I can only think of one way to do it.=0A= > Apologies if this has already been suggested: taking a cue from C#, a sta= tic class constructor ([1]) =0A= > would allow us to have expression-initialized constants and static member= s.=0A= > <?php=0A= > class Config {=0A= > public const URL =3D null; // compile time initialization=0A= > protected static $mtime =3D null; // compile time initialization=0A= > private static function __constructStatic() {=0A= > $env =3D json_decode(file_get_contents('config.json'));=0A= > self::URL =3D $env->url;=0A= > self::$mtime =3D filemtime('config.json');=0A= > }=0A= > public function reload() {=0A= > if (self::$mtime < filemtime('config.json'))=0A= > self::__constructStatic();=0A= > }=0A= > }=0A= > }=0A= > =0A= > echo Config::URL; // assert: runtime has already called _constructStatic= =0A= > $config =3D new Config; // assert: __constructStatic called only once by = runtime=0A= > $config->reload(); // instance may call its own static constructor=0A= ?>=0A= =0A= This seems to allow the same functionality my RFC would allow, in a slightl= y different way.=0A= I didn't go with that syntax because it'd move the values of the constants/= properties away from the declaration.=0A= Also, if `json_decode()` threw, then there would never be a way for a PHP i= mplementation to initialize `self::$mtime` in that example, even though the= y're unrelated in how they're initialized there.=0A= Allowing calling `__constructStatic` multiple times (thus assigning to the = **const** `self::URL` multiple times) would be a significant change to php = internals, and out of the scope of this RFC=0A= =0A= ("Put the RFC(P= oll) URL into all your replies.")=0A= =0A= - Tyson=